Sunday, February 21, 2010

In the groove - sort of

I did head out for a walk yesterday afternoon and it was 7.12km with 456 calories burned.

Unfortunately I also had a whacky food day but that's what flexpoints are for plus I earned 6.5 Activity Points so all in all not a terrible day. I need to bring some type of breakfast to weigh in. I always bring my Starbucks Latte but waiting till I get home to eat is too late. Then my meal planning goes out the window. I've tried granola bars in the past but I'm trying to think of better options that appeal to me.

Today I'm paying very close attention to the points and I'm planning another walk. Breakfast was my go to Oatbran as I won't have it again until Wednesday. I'm thinking of going a bit further than yesterday and I have a route planned in my head.

Laundry has begun and I think today's lunch will involve turkey taco in some way. Not sure if I want to go the salad route or actually have turkey tacos. The salad route would be less points of course.

Heading back to site on Monday so it will be early to bed tonight. The indoor runners are in my bag already. I'm thanking the stars above that the Canada vs. USA hockey game isn't the later one.

Alright I will most likely be back to report today's workout.

Enjoy your Sunday!

Go Canada Go!!!!


  1. How bout a banana instead of the granola bar? or half a pb & banana sammich? (I just spread bread with pb and fold it in half and stuff 1/2 banana in there).

  2. Mmm... turkey tacos sound great! We haven't had mexican in a while... I keep wanting to try a version with mashed beans to help bulk it up.

    The typical breakfast around here is actually just a boiled egg! The Boy wakes up earlier than I do, and he usually boils an extra one for me. It's super quick, and leaves me full until lunchtime (keeping in mind that I sleep in later than most people. so I only have 4 hours or so to go before lunch).

    PB and banana sandwich sounds tasty too (and kinda cute... like a banana hot-dog!). Almond butter is a nice change sometimes.
