Saturday, February 20, 2010

Back to the start

Well back to my lowest weight since rejoining WW in January. 187.8 stared back at me on the scale at the meeting. I'm cool with that. In fact a loss surprised me a bit.

I've been coasting for the past few weeks. Failing to plan, therefore planning to fail sort of thing. The weigh in lady did say good job to me on my 0.8 loss as apparently quite a few people in my meeting saw gains today. I know I've had my eyes glued to the olympics so sacrificing workouts which I find a wee ironic.

Yes I find the olympics inspiring but so far it's inspired me to sit on my couch.

When I headed out to the meeting this morning it was a wee chilly at about -14 and then I checked the short term weather and saw that it was pretty much going to stay around that all day. I then had the thought well I might not do my 6K neigbourhood walk today.....what!!!! I immediately mentally slapped myself upside the head. What kind of loser excuse is that.

-14, no snow and sunny is not a realistic reason to not go outside for a walk. I walked to and from the meeting (4.6K) and I will head out for my 6K neighbourhood loop today. I need to get my butt off the couch if I want to get back to decent loses.

I am still dedicated to getting to the 170s before my weigh in coupons run out. I should buy more next week as there on sale.

I might report back later because if the walk is going well I may aim for a bit further than 6K. I was feeling the groove when I walked home from weigh in.

Hope your Saturday is super fabulous.


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