Saturday, January 09, 2010

X-Weighted challenge begins and week 2 WW weigh in

First of all I started a group on the X-Weighted Challenge called Bloggers Unite, if you're taking part in the challenge check it out and feel free to join. I'm Cowgirlwarrior on there as well. I figured we support each other here so why not in the actual challenge as well. A whack of the challenges are all location focused so I thought I'd open it up a little. There is strength in numbers me thinks. Don't forget to sign up today or tomorrow.

Down 3.2lbs today..whoo hoo! I weighed myself on my scale this morning and I was 192 so I was a wee disappointed that at WW it was 193 but a loss is a loss. I walked the 15 blocks to Starbucks and then the 3 to weigh in plus I walked home with 20lbs of groceries on my back and into 33km winds. Many sidewalks were treacherous so I give myself extra points for remaining upright the whole way there and back. That was one heck of a workout I tell ya. I'm starting my $20/pound jar to save up for the new wardrobe plus it may help stay more accountable knowing moolah is on the line.

My X-Weighted goal is 145lbs which lines up with WW goal weight perfectly. I think this may be a match made in heaven my friends. I'm using my WW weigh in as the record for the challenge as well.

So my week in review:

Tracked 7/7 days - 178/175 pts - 3/35 Flex points (I ate under a few days so that reduced the flexpoints used - not on purpose just wasn't hungry)
Water Goal 7/7 days
Cardio 4/7 days - Earned 8 activity points
Yoga 3/7 days
Vitamins 7/7 days
Flossed 7/7 days

My shoulder is getting better but not quite there yet so I'll stick to yoga and cardio this coming week but I'm adding a hill workout to the cardio that I'll post more about later.

All in all I'd say one heck of a good week.

I decided to go with making two recipes this week as opposed to 3 and I remembered I had a turkey chili in the freeze. I browsed through all my WW cook books and just wasn't inspired so I decided to look on Cook With Campbell's. I decided to make the Mac n' Cheeseburger Casserole (7pts per serving) and the Easy Chicken and Broccoli Divan (5 pts per serving) - got to love when they actually include the nutritional info. I have a short attention span with recipes and if there is a long list of ingredients I lose interest. These are all fairly straight forward. I picked up all the ingredients and I'll make these later - photos to follow I promise.

Great quote on the board at the meeting today: "Trackers represent a record of what we've eaten, not a record of when we're perfect". I loved this as in the past it was not uncommon for me not to write something down because I didn't want to admit it.

I need to rustle up some lunch, start laundry and start prepping those two recipes. Will probably be back later as I feel I'm forgetting something.



  1. I signed up for the xweighted challenge as well and found your group - great idea so I joined!

    Great loss this week and a great week in general too! YAY you!

  2. Heyy! I see that you do WW I have a blog about WW, and do a lot of product reviews, and have tips and such in case you may be interested in checking it out!

    awesome weight loss this week :]

  3. I joined your group too!

    I'm bookenz.
