Friday, January 08, 2010

Well that's an idea

Happy Friday my friends, it was a bit funny today as everyone at work was tired and very much looking forward to the weekend. Then we all realized it's only the first week after the Christmas break. The way we were acting you'd think it was months since we had a break.

As I was leaving today I asked my co-worker/friend T to wish me a good weigh in at which point she said "You know what you should do". She suggested that I reward myself with $20 for every pound I lose as the Jenny Craig's, Dr. Bernstein and Herbal Magic plans with all the extras often cost the person an average of $20 per pound (she used to be a consultant for Herbal Magic). Then a little light bulb when off in my head, I could use that as a way to save up for the new fabulous wardrobe that I'll require. After I weigh in I go to the mall and right past my bank - there could be something to this.

I did go to Kiehl's and they did not have the trial kit but I left with a few things that I'll be testing out:

Ultra Facial Cream (travel size)- "light textured hydrator leaves skin comfortable and visibly well balanced, particularly in harsh weather conditions"

Ultra Facial Cleanser - "cleanse skin and remove make-up, without over drying"

Cucumber Herbal Alcohol Free toner - I use this now but bought a smaller bottle to pack

I'm going to try it all tonight and see how it feels.

Completely on plan for day 7 in a row and I've now hit the water cut off and no food will be eaten until after I weigh in tomorrow. Now I'm going through my WW recipe books in search of 3 recipes that I'll make over the weekend and freeze in individual servings. This is to make bringing lunch and handling the "I don't have a clue of what to have for dinner" scenario for a few weeks. I'm on a planning binge so why not add meal prep.

I'm looking forward to weigh in tomorrow and I'm hoping that will inspire my efforts for next week. Tomorrow I'll post my results for the goals of the week and post new ones. The 25 degree warm up we had today is starting to make sidewalks a wee dangerous so I might be taking the bus to weigh in and only have to deal with a few sidewalks.

Only a few hours until the X-Weighted Challenge begins...I went to check if there was a new blog entry and the site is down. Hmmm I hope they're preparing for the whack of people signing up tomorrow.

Until tomorrow...hugs!!!


  1. Hurray for the seven day stretch.

    I was trying to get on X-Weighted too - a bunch of us from the Toronto area are going to register together tomorrow.

  2. Hey, hope you had a good weigh in day! Speaking of recipes, I just made this barley risotto last night and it was freakin' amazing. The only indulgent things in it are 2 TBS of butter 1/2 cup of grated parm, and that's split over 4 servings. (You can definitely omit the butter, btw, it tasted fine before I added it. And cutting back on the cheese a bit won't harm it much either).

    It's chock full of fiber from the barley and beans, and also forms a complete protein due to that combo. It is sooooo creamy and delicious on a cold day. I added a bit of garlic to the onion saute, used the whole can of beans instead of just 1 cup, and used chopped spinach instead of escarole. The Boy and I pretty much flipped out over it. If I were freezing it, I'd probably under-cook the barley just a little, and splash some more broth/water onto it before reheating.
