Friday, January 29, 2010

Switch it up?

I woke up at my own by 6:30am today, so I just decided to get up. Then I thought I should weigh in today.

My thinking swayed by it's supposed to be -1 today and tomorrow morning it will be closer to -10 and snowing. I'm meeting a friend tomorrow at noonish to finally check out Avatar so a little sleep in on Saturday wouldn't be so bad.

I stepped on the scale this morning and saw a super decent number. There is a meeting today at my local WW at noon. I also thought opportunity to check out a different leader. Decisions I tell ya.

I decided to eat a little breakfast and about an hour before I'd have to leave for today's meeting I'll step on the scale again and see. You know the mission is 188 so I'm not sure if one more day will make a difference or just aid in next week's weigh in. Plus if I weigh in today the grocery store is across the street so I could take care of that today.

Yesteray I received the Germany Lululemon hoody. This is the size smaller one. I managed to get it zipped up but it's very gurdle like. I think it will just about perfect when I hit my 10%

Last night after work I headed over to the Body Shop in search of lightening touch - my favourite under eye concealor. I've been checking since the re-opened downtown just before Christmas. They still didn't have it. Well enough is enough I'm moving on. I headed over to Shopper's Drug Mart and started checking out some make-up lines. The salesperson asked if I needed help and I told her what I was looking for. She suggested Benefit Erase Paste. This has the same light refracting effect as Lightening Touch but it's in a jar. I'm reading the instructions and you can use it not just on eyes. I will be testing this out and report my findings.

I'm in love with the Ultra Cleanser from Kiehl's - this is definitely a keeper. I like the Ultra Moisturizer and it's holding up alright to some wicked cold weather.

I also wandered over to Origins and picked up a jar of Starting Over, I'm pushing 40 and while I occasional poll people to guess how old I am they still say 28, I'm very conscious of getting older. While I embrace that I become more confident as I get older I am fighting the signs every step of the way. Look for a review on that as well.

Alright might be back later, hugs!!!

1 comment:

  1. I <3 Erase paste!

    Word verification: ingodout


    H =)
