Thursday, January 28, 2010

Long weekend...ahhhh

I worked late tonight to give myself tomorrow off and I'm so looking forward to sleeping in. I've been running on empty the past few days with being busy and thinking of the mounting work a head of me. Two people are under the weather at work and I'm not taking any chances.

Tomorrow will be sleeping late and working out.

The gym bag did not go to work with me today as I knew that I'd bringing my work computer home for site on Monday. The stuff I need to cart around weighs a ton. I realized I'd be staying later to get a few things done.

I'm supposed to do yoga tonight but now that I've had dinner I'm not feeling it.

This just means tomorrow I need a cardio workout and a yoga practice, super manageable I must say.

Completely on plan today so food is in check. I've taken my vitamins and flossed every single day since I re-started my journey on Jan. 2. This is day 6 of staying OP.

I really wanting to see 188 on the scale on Saturday so that will keep me in check tomorrow.

Hope you had an awesome Thursday!



  1. Hope you have a fab day tomorrow catching up on your sleep and workouts!

  2. Enjoy your day off! I could use one myself!
