Monday, January 25, 2010

Snaps for IT guy

Alas all it took was some unclicking of boxes for me to be able to access the world wide web...yeah!!!

Sunday night I did do 40min of yoga after I spent 25 very unlike zen minutes trying to find the DVD. I took it to Edmonton with me, unpacked it and then couldn't find it. After frantically looking it was hiding under a piece of paper. I calmed down enough to have a nice practice and by 7:30pm I was totally zonked.

Went to bed early waking up every couple of hours until shazaam the alarm was going off. I had a kamikaze cab driver to the plane but after that all was good. I snoozed on the plane and stuck to my food plan 100%. -30 with windchill greeted me, yippee...not.

Work went well, despite finding my phone and network cable had gone missing. I had loads to do and everything came together pretty well.

When I got to camp I went straight to the gym and did 40min of a very brisk walk. Discovered the only way I can do treadmill without boring myself to death is to do intervals. Every 5min I changed something like speed or incline, but keeping them short I could totally stay entertained for 5min, add the good tunes and the 5min are even more entertaining.

I had heard a rumour that a nutritionist had been brought to camp to make the food a wee bit healthier. Today I had the cajun meatloaf with veggies. Normally the meatloaf is kind of scooped out so the serving sizes are totally random. Today it was in slices that actually looked like a normal serving (palm of hand size).

Came back to my room, had a shower and now I type to you while half watching the Bachelor. It will be an early night as it's another long day tomorrow.

Yes, camp is nearish to Fort Mac. These are yoga paws.

The goal for tomorrow is to stay OP and do yoga when I get home. The dvd is safely in the dvd player at home.

Hope your day was fantastic.


1 comment:

  1. You are so inspiring - and organized!!! You are inspiring me to be organized :)
