Sunday, January 24, 2010

Fictional buses

I had to go in to work today to pick up some papers I need for site tomorrow. I had originally intended to go yesterday but with all the snow I thought I'd put it off until today.

Well there was snow again today but I really had no choice. I looked up the bus that stops close to my house and within a block of where I work. I headed out about 5min before the bus is supposed to be there. There was another woman waiting so I thought well that's a good sign. The bus was supposed to be there by 12:06, well by 12:20 there was still no bus. I gave up and walked to another bus that's about 5 blocks away. I didn't wait long and a bus arrived.

I hadn't gone into this building after hours yet but it was super straightforward. Got what I needed and on the way out thought about stopping at the mall but then I saw a bus so decided to go home. I saved money and temptation as I hadn't had lunch yet.

Just whipped up a super quick lunch consisting of Ikea's Rosti and Meatballs, and some peas. I love the frozen potato pancakes and their 2 for 1pt.

Now the plan is to hit the yoga mat for 40min, pack for site and be in bed early.

I'm taking the runners to site this week as I need to focus on the cardio. The plan is cardio Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. I'm going to do yoga daily if I can, I'm not taking the mat to site on Monday as I've scaled down in bag to make it easier to cart around but the mat won't fit. The mode of transportation to camp and back are school buses. It gets super tight in space as those things are not designed to cart adults in full winter wear carting luggage. I got the Ecotex duffle from Heys in Lilac, I'm hoping it will be way easier to identify in the dark when I get to site too. The majority of bags are black and all look the same in the dark.

I ordered a pair of yoga paws yesterday so I will have a very easy packable option soon.

Stepped on the scale this morning and it said 189. I then checked it 3 times. I'm more determined then ever to keep that going till weigh in. There was a girl at my meeting that hit goal on Saturday and her weight now is my goal weight and I think we're the same height. It was kind of surreal to see what I might just look like.

Hope you're enjoying your Sunday.

I need to call my work IT guy tomorrow to sort out my internet issues with my work computer so if that's fixed I will check in tomorrow from camp. If not, I'll talk to you on Tuesday.



  1. Hey, where abouts is 'camp' - are you in Fort Mac?

  2. Enjoy camp.........and what are Yoga Paws? lol
    I have a friend who is now at my goal weight and she has lost 94 pounds (makes me so excited when I see her)
