Tuesday, December 15, 2009


I'm tired today and not entirely sure why. Could be the 10hrs of work teamed with the warming temperatures. When I left this morning it was -20 (-26 with wind chill) and when I left work it was -7. It definitely takes it's toll but I'd rather be tired then have a headache.

I had no idea they debunked the losing heat through your head. Oh well it sucks when your ears get cold.

I think I need to start the Beck Diet Solution from the start again as my behaviour has been far from good. Definitely snackapalooze teamed with a wee bit of stress due to being busy and dealing with change. We recently moved offices and I've been adjusting to a new space and moderately irritating things like not being able to scan anything.

I definitely eat my emotions that's for sure.

Today the uber boss was talking about a fitness challenge focused solely on exercise. Everyone puts in $10 and then you track every 1/2 hr of exercise as a point. When you hit 10 your name gets entered for a draw. I'm totally in if they decide to do it. While I suck at blog challenges I might do better when it's with the people you spend the bulk of your day with.

It's going to be a long week with tons to do so my hard core exercise effort may not return until when I'm back from Christmas vacation. Funny it's just in time for New Year's. I'm not a big fan of the New Year resolution because if you really want to change something why wait for New Years. So really all I can do is take it day by day.

I'm going to spend a week with Dad for Christmas. I adore my father but sometimes we're so a like we drive each other bananas. A solid week together which hasn't happened in a year and a half could be interesting. I'm aiming for calm and relaxing. He turned 87 a few weeks ago and while you would never in a million years guess he was that age (could easily pass for 60ish) I'm conscious of how much time we will still have together. Of course I could get hit by a bus tomorrow, when your time is up - your time is up. I would like appreciate these moments.

Alright my friends, I hope everyone had a fantastic day.


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