Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Little surprises

So my good friend and co-worker T, keeps leaving these little mystery packages on my desk saying do not open until Dec. 25. Today my new boss gave myself and team member little Christmas presents. I just think it's all so nice and was very pleasantly surprised that's for sure. I was expecting this at all.

I only have one thing left on my list and I need to go to MEC which will probably happen this Saturday.

Tomorrow The Body Shop finally re-opens in the mall downtown and I'm thrilled as I desperately need under eye concealor and I love their lightening touch. I've tried all the imposters but nothing works like this.

What I'm truly looking forward to about Christmas at Dad's is sleeping. I sleep like a baby at this house and it's got something to do with the country air, zero sound and zero lights as we're in the middle of the country. I'm so rested there and I so need it as apparently I'm going to be smokin' busy from Jan to Aug at work.

Sadly nothing else to report. I did step on the scale this morning and was happy to only see a half pound gain. I can definitely handle that.

Hope you all had a fabulous day.


1 comment:

  1. Hey, will you be at your Dad's the whole holiday season? If not, I'm home Dec 22 to Jan 5 (minus a few days in Edmonton) and would love to hang out!

    PS: It's funny, last time The Boy was in Calgary, he slept like 11 hours a night, which is ridiculous for him. Something about mountain air and dark basements, I think... ;)
