Saturday, December 12, 2009

Holding steady

Stayed exactly the same on the scale this morning. Which I'm totally o.k with given that I haven't tracked anything since Monday and didn't go to the gym once.

I do have to get over my block of going to the gym in cold weather. It's not like this is going to end tomorrow as winter doesn't technically start until Dec. 21 so there could be another few months of this.

Tried a new bread at breakfast. It's Dempsters Healthy Way with Pre Cardio something or other. I got the whole wheat version and it clocks in at 1pt for a slice thanks to 5g of fibre. I think it's a keeper as it tasted more like normal whole wheat bread than the cardboard versions. Every now and then I don't want seeds or nuts in my bread.

Ran around with my friend P today. Hit Ikea for meatballs, rosti, napkins, vanilla tea lights (cheap and they make the best) and a couple of other little things.

Next stop a classic bakery in the city where I picked up a Bavarian rye bread.

Then zipped to the local German deli where I picked up the potato dumpling mix, gravy mix and various chocolate with marzipan (that goes in my Christmas stocking).

Then to the grocery store where I just picked up what I forgot yesterday.

Not bad for -27 and the very quick race in and out of the vehicle.

Got home and watched part one of the revamped Alice that was on my pvr. Realized I recorded part two on a channel I don't get. Luckily it's replaying tomorrow. Bought 3 tickets for the Nutcracker ballet, one for me and two for P and her daughter. That's my Christmas present to them.

Downloaded a whack of Christmas music off of Itunes as I've been feeling the spirit and wanted to listen to some classics.

Tomorrow it's supposed to be a wee colder so it's a good day to clean the house, get some Christmas baking done and pack the gym bag for tomorrow. I can get at least 3 gym visits in next week and that's my goal.

Hope you all enjoyed your Saturday.


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