Sunday, December 13, 2009


It's -28C out there today, colder if the wind picks up.

Tracked everything I ate yesterday, I did have wee little free for all yesterday but it's recorded and I planned a wee bit of a anything I want day. Today has a been a wee battle with the christmas chocolate but I'm winning and still on plan.

It took me an hour to talk myself into bundling up and shovelling my sidewalk. I did it and then my neighbour swung by with cookies. There some type of chocolate apricot mixture. Happily I'm not a fan of chocolate mixed with fruit. Another friend gave my ginger spice cookies yesterday, I'm not a fan of those either. So as long no one gives me shortbread I'm good on the resisting cookies.

I do need to do some Christmas baking but today which involves shortbread. I didn't really have the get up and go. I might bake one version still today and bring it to work tomorrow. I'm cool with it if it goes straight to somewhere else.

I should also make some turkey meatballs or do something with the ground turkey in the fridge.

Alright not a lot to say today, stay warm my friends.


1 comment:

  1. I hated shoveling snow when we lived in Virginia! But, it is a great workout.

    I can pass up most cookies except chocolate ones. Not with fruit in it though - that's just wrong!!

    Take care,
