Saturday, November 21, 2009

Crappy weigh in and mock greek yogurt

Let me start with my mock greek yogurt experience. I took a container of Source Natural Plain yogurt and put into a wire mesh strainer that I had lined with cheesecloth (1st picture). The 2nd picture is the liquid that drained out in 3 days. The final picture is the result. It's super thick and creamy not sure if the picture truly indicates that. This morning for breakfast I had some of this with a smidgen of agave nectar, granola and fresh raspberries. Yummy and no where near the fat as my beloved Liberte medittarean yogurt.
Now onto the crappy weigh in - up 1.7, was so not happy to see that however I know the reasons.

I went to the Kelly Clarkson concert last night and dinner was had a loungeburger , it was fantastic but having a burger and fries the meal before weigh in - not the smartest move. My water intake has not been so great, exercise has been tough this week and add in retaining water = a gain.

I'm moving on, next week will be fantastic. I promised to report the good, the bad and the ugly.
The concert was good. I honestly think Kelly. C is probably the most talented singer American Idol has ever put out. Her voice is fantastic.
Today my friend hooked me up with friends and family coupon at Roots plus we went to the discount store so I got a shwack of hoodies and t-shirts for fantastic prices. I have an addiction to hoodies.

I also zipped by the running room and got a new pair of my Mizuno Wave Alchemy and now I have an outdoor pair and an indoor pair. I got tired of picking out the mini rocks when I was taking my shoes to the gym. Last night I ordered the Nike + sensor. While at running room I also picked up the clip to use the sensor on non Nike runners.

Now I just need to figure out how to get the nike + mini on this blog - if anyone knows please share.
My work's Christmas potluck that was originally Dec. 4th is now Nov. 26th. Eek...I've got to whip something together the night I get home from site. I get home around 7:45pm.
I think I'm going to go ahead with the chocolate raspberry trifle as I can bake the cake part tomorrow and then just need to make pudding and whip cream plus assemble Tuesday night.
I think I have an idea for my secret santa that I'll have to pull together quickly as well.
Now it's off to mega laundry...hope you're enjoying your Saturday.


  1. I make this all the time, when I first heard about it...about 15 years ago, it was called yogurt cheese. I use it for all sorts of things mixed in, as a dip, a spread, with fruit, with makes great tatziki sauce.

    I normally just leave it for 24 hours and find it doesn't really lose any more liquid after that.

  2. Boo for you gain but at least you know the reasons, and next week I am sure you will kick some butt!

    The strained yoghurt looks good - I saw this on Angies blog too and thought about trying it then...I really should make the effort to try it.

    Good luck this week :o)
