Friday, November 20, 2009

And the beat goes on

Yesterday I decided to have a low point day to combat the pour hormone fueled eating patterns. I think this week's challenge was a wee bit of stress combined with PMS. The day went well even with an unplanned dinner invite and my friend T's house. She kindly invited me along for grocery shopping as well which is awesome. I don't have a car so my grocery shopping is revolved around what I can carry.

I also got to meet her adorable dogs. As you know from reading this blog I love dogs. So thanks T and I hope your chat went well today.

So I have the day off today and am planning a lowish point day as well as I think I'm going out for dinner. That has yet to confirmed so we'll see what happens. I'm also focusing on the water before weigh in tomorrow.

I do need to swing by Walmart and I'll do that after lunch today. Plus pick up a few things that the grocery store didn't have yesterday like ground turkey. Of course I'll walk there and back.

Tomorrow I've been invited to a Roots friend and family event which is awesome because I need new t-shirts and hope to find a pair of jeans. I also want to do some cooking this weekend and get some premade meals frozen and ready for reheating on the nights I have no desire to cook -which is most nights to be totally honest. I love cooking but not so much after a long day.

Alright my friends that's all I have for now, I might be back later. I took pictures of my greek yogurt experiment and I might post those today.


1 comment:

  1. What a great idea to eat lighter on hormal days.

    I have no hormones, which can be just as bad!


    Enjoyed visiting
