Saturday, September 26, 2009

Day 19 - Up .6 WTF?

I was not happy when I weighed in this morning as the last thing I was expecting was a gain after a pretty awesome week. Of course I knew what was causing the gain....the dreaded TOM. I felt like I was retaining water when I woke up and had a general feeling of ickiness. The good news is I'm normally up about 2lbs at this time so .6 is not so bad. I just need to keep taking it day by day and I'm sure next weigh in my work will be rewarded.

Today I'm sticking close to home to practice test questions. I might need to swing by the local store to grab milk as that might not be able to wait until grocery shopping.

I'm planning to do the grocery shopping tomorrow morning. I have friends here from Ontario and we're going for lunch tomorrow. I have no clue on timing just yet as they're running the Melissa Road Race today so we'll wait and see. I need to plan the grocery list as I'm gone the following week so I don't need a fridge full of food.

I also need to start a pack list so I don't forget anything for my across Canada trip that starts next Sunday. It's one thing when you're packing for vacation, a whole different ball game when you're packing for work.

That's all I got for now, enjoy your Saturday!


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