Friday, September 25, 2009

Day 18 - running out of steam a bit

This week I brought my lunch 4 times, I hit the gym 3 times. 2 trips short on the gym visit goal of the week but I'm still happy I actually went.

Lunch was out with the team today, well to the food court in my building I had a Montreal smoked meat panini, this is one thing I'm going to track down when I'm in Montreal as I'm always told it's just not the same unless you have it there.

Yesterday's seminar was good and I was exhausted. Being up at 5am does not lead to a energized person by 10pm that's for sure. I met up with my friends at Milestone's. I did look at the online menu beforehand and picked out a salad but when I got there the last thing I wanted was a salad. The veggies were intense this week and I got meatloaf instead. It came with garlic mashed potatoes but I ate a smidgen of those and stuck to the side veggies.

So of course I peaked at the scale this morning. Wednesday morning I was super happy as it was heading in the right direction, this morning not as fantastic so it's water, water and more water today.

This weekend will be grocery shopping at some point and a whole lot of practice test questions as the big test is next Saturday. Not exiting but necessary.

That's all I got for tonight but I hope you all had fantastic weeks.


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