Friday, July 17, 2009

Pajama Day

So my great plans to sleep in wound up in me waking up at 7am today, oh well if you've had a week of 3:30am to 5:30am wake ups 7am is probably not so bad.

I had an internal battle with myself today as what to do with my friday off. Part of me wanted to head out to check out the newly opened Bath and Body Works and the other half just wanted to lay low. Lay low won as I'd probably wind up buying stuff I don't really need at Bath and Body Works. That can wait.

I thought today would be the perfect day to do the clean eating challenge as I'd be home all day and therefore in control of my food. Boy, did I feel like a bit of food stylist as I was taking pictures of everything I ate today. So here we go:


This was oatmeal made with almond milk, 1/2 box organic raisins, 1 Tblsp of organic walnuts and a glass of 1% milk.

Morning Snack

This was Olympic Organics vanilla yogurt with strawberries.


This was an omelette made with two organic eggs filled with red onion, mushroom and red pepper with a roma tomatoe on the side. It's pretty brown but I can't make light fluffy omelettes.

Afternoon Snack

This is a Kettle Organic Strawberry Fruit Snack

This is whole wheat noodles with peas and plain tomato sauce, jazzed up with some Mrs Dash Southwestern spice (not sure if that's "clean" but it's good). On the side are organic green beans steamed with a bit of Renee's Wellness lemon garlic dressing - This was really yummy.
I had no clue what I was going to have for supper so I raided my pantry.
I did spend the whole day in my pajamas and had an afternoon nap. Watched a couple episodes of Being Erica online - not a bad show. My only people interruption of the day was a delivery of my Amazing Greens order. I got the chocolate sample pack. Didn't try it today but will soon and give my report.
Tomorrow is supposed to be 30 degrees, which I despise - way too hot for me. So my goal is to get everything done in the morning and that includes the workout challenge for this week.
Hope you had a groovy day.

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