Thursday, July 16, 2009

Back and planning to sleep in 3 days in a row

Hello hello,

I am back from my journey to Northern Alberta. While I was fairly well behaved food wise at site all that went south in Fort Mac. Mostly because where I work you're only food option is a cafeteria and options are not so healthy.

I didn't see the food challenge this week until today but a day of clean eating sounds good to me.

Had a good time away but I'm happy to be home for awhile before I have to get on a plane again. I'm looking forward to hitting the gym tomorrow and I'm really looking forward to sleeping in.

On the plane home I read the Air Canada magazine and they had an article on CrossFit training, this is the mantra my trainer follows so it was nice to learn a little more about it.

Thrilled that I have a day off tomorrow and the weather is supposed to be fantastic this weekend for all Alberta...finally.

Alright that's all I got for day as I'm a bit wiped.

Until later...


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