Wednesday, June 24, 2009

What am I thinking?

I joined the 15 Week Challenge today. I have a love/hate relationship with challenges. I get really excited at the beginning and then at about the half way mark I become disillusioned and give up. I vow this time will be different.
Check out Amy's challenge here

Today I felt fat, it wasn't a pleasant feeling but I just felt uncomfortable. On the bus home I'm looking out the window at cute clothing stores that were always the reward I thought of for when I hit goal. This morning I was admiring a dress my coworker wore and she got it at Macy's. I love Macy's. Enough, I need a kickstart and hopefully this challenge will help.
This evening for supper I had my first Green Monster. I had meant to do it the other day but it didn't happen. It's yummy. It looks awful but it's yummy. I used Almond Milk, spinach, banana, strawberries and a few blueberries. I now totally get what you guys have been talking about it.

OMG the summer work wardrobe has hit the streets of Calgary and some is not pretty. I saw one woman wearing city shorts that were so tight they looked like bike shorts. Another woman was wearing a skirt so short that when she walked the slit at the back showed more than I think she wanted. I'm not a fan of summer work wear, I by far prefer fall for clothes shopping.

I'm really looking forward to next week as I'll have 5 days off in a row. Starting July 1, I'm hoping to use this time to get sorted. Go through my closet, meal plan and that sort of thing.

Well my friends I must go write a paper and I want to be asleep at a decent hour as I have yet another early flight tomorrow. (Just logged into my class and now the paper isn't due until the 30th - whoo hooo- no writing tonight)

Talk to you tomorrow.



  1. I joined the challenge too! I think the fact that she plans to have little challenges every week is really fun.

    I totally agree about fall clothes. Totally the best. Now to lose enough weight that my calves will fit into knee-high boots...

  2. Best of luck with the challenge!

  3. I joined too..and I also hate having to shop for summer work clothes!
