Thursday, June 25, 2009

Back from Fort Mac

I don't need to get on another plane for 3 days. Whew! I have to admit my alarm going off at 3:30am this morning wasn't that fabulous. Plus woke up with a wee bit of a sore throat. I'm nipping that in the bud, had a shot of vitamin C. It will be in bed at a decent hour too.

Fort Mac was fine and I enjoyed seeing the group. Got indirectly told that I may be the lead on a huge project which is exciting and scary all at the same time.

Got home and turned on the news. OMG Farah Fawcett and Micheal Jackson died. Whoa...I was surprised at the MJ news. My first thought was what happens to his kids.

15 Week Challenge starts Monday which means this weekend is all about getting sorted. Stocking up on healthy and that means bringing healthy options to site too. Plus it means coming up with a workout plan that I can stick too. I'm dead serious about this challenge. I taped a PBS special of Wayne Dyer presenting Excuses Begone. I need to sit down and watch that. I'll picking up the book in the future.

When I was at site the other day, I had an interesting conversation with co-worker. She too is trying to get healthy. She often has meetings with the Sr. VP (super busy guy). So she says to me if he can fit in exericise what the heck is our excuse.

Talk to you tomorrow.


1 comment:

  1. Yay! Good for you taking on that challenge. Good luck, and go kick some butt!!

    So glad you liked the Green Monster! I agree, it looks like the worst thing on earth, but it tastes so delish. The boy likes them now, and I'm trying to get my sibs started, b/c lord knows teenagers aren't all about eating greens.

    I am in town now, maybe a fun girlie night is in order? I'll email you about it! :)
