Saturday, June 06, 2009

Snow, rain, hail

So far I've seen all three today. Woke up to a bit of snow on the lawn, not a lot and there's none there now.

Rain turned into mini hail and then back into rain.

I did head out earlier and went to the post office to pick up my Puma shoes. I thought I'd swing by Walmart afterwards but as I turned the corner all the shoppers were outside and I could here fire alarms. Didn't see any smoke or fire but a fire truck was parked outside the mall entrance. They obviously evacuated everyone in Walmart and the mall. Safeway was unaffected as they have a fire door that seperates them from the rest of the mall but I just went home.

I'm heading downtown in a couple of hours to meet up with a friend and go for dinner. She just found out she's being layed off June 30th. She wants me to check out all the paperwork to explain what she gets. Yesterday I saw a posting for a job that'd be great for her so last night over the phone I walked her through online applications.

My workout today was walking to the post office and back which is around 45min. I'm not sure if I'll head to the gym tomorrow or focus on yoga. I haven't done a practice in ages and I can feel it.

While I'm enjoying the organic food delivery service I do realize that just because it's organic doesn't mean it's good for you. So I'm going to keep it to fruit and veggies only - a bag of kettle chips did get into the order coming this Friday as I needed a couple of bucks to make it to free delivery.

My thoughts are with all my friends taking part in the Underwear Affair tonight. Have fun everyone and wear layers.


1 comment:

  1. my daughter walked in the underwear affair last night and the weather was perfect for it - it cleared up just in time!

    what a fun night it was - I might volunteer at it next year - it was a hoot!
