Sunday, June 07, 2009


The weather looked a little more stable today so I checked with the neighbour to see if 10am worked for walking their dog.

When I went to get her she was in their backyard and she was so happy to see me she jumped on the gate and it popped open. The husband was in the yard and said to the dog "Are you going to runaway one day?" and then he looked at me and said "Probably to your house". So far that's twice she's opened the gate just to come running to me. I call myself her Godmother.

We did a good 5K but she had to sniff a lot of bushes as I'm thinking the rain had brought out some new smells.

I've tracked everything diligently on My Daily Plate today and I'm already thinking ahead to tomorrow. Stepped on the scale this morning and it wasn't pretty but that had a lot to do with dinner out yesterday.

There are a lot of unknowns for the next two days food wise as I'm off to site. Right now I'm just focusing on breakfast tomorrow as the options are usually the same.

Lunch and supper are always a surprise. So it's one meal at a time.

So I'll be back on Wednesday maybe Tuesday if I'm not totally bagged.


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