Saturday, February 07, 2009

I'm a genius, well I think anyway

About a week and a half ago my ipod Touch would no longer talk to my wireless router. It was just boom it stopped working. I would try to reconnect and it would just say...nope.

So today I logged into my router and added the ITouch as a computer, entering the mac address and shazaam it works again. This is why I'm thinking I'm a genius right now as I figured it out all by myself.

My whole body is feeling the effects of the workout with trainer. From my ankles to the top of my shoulders. Lifting my arms is torture and pretty darn funny when I try to pull something over my head. Last night getting off the couch could have been considered an attempt at a Cirque de Soleil act.

Today was cardio day but I had a bizillion errands so it was walking outside.

First I went to the German deli Edelweiss. I love this place as it brings me back to my youth. You can hear the Deutsche Volkmusik (German Folk music) as you approach the doors . My mom would play this music all the time, I despised it then but now it makes me nostalgic.

When I walk in it smells like home. It brings back memories of Kafezeit (coffee time at 3pm-ish every day) out comes the Kuche mit Schlagsahne ( cake and whipcream not to mention awesome coffee). How we'd evite family friends over for Kafezeit and it would always turn into a supper of cold cuts, cheeses, pickled beats, pickles and amazing breads and buns. (All arranged in cute dishes and baskets) Same would happen when we were invited to their house.

I was there to buy raspberry syrup for my dad. The european version is totally different than what I can get at the local supermarket (more liquid than super sticky). It's actually from Poland but this deli carries a lot of European stuff. When I was waiting in line to pay I was right in between the case of cakes and the buns...torture. I walked out with just the syrup passing by the display case of all those amazing cold cuts.

When I got home I realized I had library book due so I walked to the library and back and then delivered the community newsletter as a favour to my neighbour. By the time I got home my ankles were achy because of course I was running around in snow boots.

As I was traversing all over the city today I really noticed how much things are always changing in Calgary. I noticed a new building going up downtown and it took me awhile to figure out what was there before. When I delivered newletters there was a row of 5 houses that were gone, no trace of them totally demolished most likely part of the west c-train expansion. It was weird that they were there and now there gone. I think saw about a dozen building cranes looming over various projects today.

I think I'll sleep well tonight. Tomorrow is an online meeting with the people from my group project. They booked two hours, I'm praying it's less than that. Later I'm off to the neighbours for a cleaning party - instead of tupperware it's cleaning stuff.

Next week will be crazy busy at work and I get to go to site on Wednesday and stay overnight in camp. This will be the first time I do the camp thing so I'm actually really looking forward to it. I did look up the weather and here it's supposed to be -1 and there!


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