Thursday, February 05, 2009

Can muscles turn to jello?

This is a thought that popped into my head as trainer tortured me.

I was fooled into thinking it might not be so hard today when he removed the farmer's walk (holding disk weight over your head) - I'm not crazy about that one only because you need to walk across the whole freakin's gym. He also said don't do the chin ups and tricep dips. I wondered what he had up his sleeve.

OMG! He's either a genius or my worst enemy. I had to do this:

2min going full out on the rowing machine
20 dumbell squats (20lbs-10lbs in each hand)
20 Push ups
20 skull crushers (lying on your back on the bench hold a weighted bar straight up. You hold the bar more towards the middle so when you elbows bend they're perpendicular not bowing out now lower it so it almost touches your forehead and then straighten your arms again) 20lbs
20 Bicep curls (20lbs)
20 Dumbell Swings (15lbs)
20 Dumbell Thrusters (20lbs - 10lbs each hand)

I had to do this 3 times, the last round took me forever as my muscles were shaking. His girlfriend was doing the exact same routine but had to do it 4 rounds. Mind you she's uber fit but she was squaking the whole time.

So after I finish blogging I'm going straight into a hot bath with the hopes I can move my arms tomorrow. When I finished he asked me if I wanted to the rower once again. My goodness this got harder each time I did it because I could feel it in my arms, back, abs and legs. I told him I still had to walk to the bus stop.

Since recruiting has pretty much come to a stand still recently my office mates are desperately trying to win "Breakfast in Bermuda" a local radio contest. So far 7 of them have qualified. 15 people qualify a week over 8 weeks and there are 8 trips. We have super speedy phone lines at work so I'm going to try to qualify tomorrow at 7:11am.

Off to soak the muscles...later!

I tried the Biggest Loser Yoga DVD briefly the other day. I was exhausted and felt committed to you all to write a review. I was expecting a nice stretch, zen like yoga. I was mistaken.
This is workout yoga, Bob is telling you what to do but not in a calming let us all breathe together kind of way. I had to stop because I was going to hurt myself. You need to be awake for this one or you'll fall over.

I'll write a proper review when I actually do the whole dvd which will probably be this weekend.


  1. CAN NOT WAIT for the yoga dvd review.
    Ive been so curious and as much as I love my Rodney Yee dvds----am looking for a change!

  2. If you DID win a trip to Bermuda, come and join us at the Bermuda Rowing Club in Hamilton Harbour - the most beautiful rowing arena in the world.
    Good luck,
    President B.R.A.

  3. Thanks for the heads-up on the yoga DVD! You probably saved me today. *laughs* I've only got a couple brain cells firing today, and thought that maybe the yoga was more my speed this afternoon. I had better pick something else that requires a little less focus while I'm trying to revive my brain.
