Thursday, March 20, 2008

What the heck?

This week has been a disaster food wise, despite my original best intentions of tracking, I've fallen off the wagon. I know this is not a disaster and all it needs is my getting off my patootie and focussing.

I'm feeling unsure about this pending half marathon. You see the past races I've taken part in have been walking. I usually trained with others. This time I'm on my own. My previous training partners are all runners now. I'm not 100% sure I'm designed to be a runner. I haven't given it enough of a go to totally decide that yet but I'm starting to think that a half marathon might be a bit ambitious. You see, I hated this race last year. I felt slow and useless - mind you I didn't prepare as I should have either.

As I waited for my dentist appointment this morning I noticed a run training program in the paper. They are recommending a goal of 5K in 8 weeks for people who are venturing off the couch. This is definitely the area I am coming from after not resuming any workouts since my 6 weeks flu, so that's about 2 months and a bit of doing nothing outside of my normal walking about for necessity.

Enough is enough, I've said this so many times on this blog and now is the time to walk the talk. If I seriously want to attain my goals I need to focus. I have a 3 day weekend ahead of me to get my patootie in gear.

The half marathon is still 3 months and change away. A lot can happen in 3 months.

What I need to do is go back to basics so once again I am returning to week 1.

I have excuses, this part of the country has been lucky weather wise with +9 forecasted for the weekend. My gym membership is good until September. I'm about to buy new coupons for WW, so no more charity I'm going to make this moolah work for me.

Week 1 officially begins this Saturday, however pre-season begins now.

Here I go.....

1 comment:

  1. good for you getting back on the wagon.

    are you planning to train with someone? If you already walked the half marathon last July, adding some running should be an easy step. I say this because I also walked it last year and I REALLY think walking is harder than running.
    You're going to notice a dif in weight loss also if you start adding minutes of running. Just start slow. I think the running room starts with a minute of running with 5 of walking.
    I'm starting running again after spring break. If you're anywhere near the John Laurie path ways, I'd be happy to meet you for a run, if you don't have a buddy already.
