Saturday, March 22, 2008


Week 1 - Day 1

So you know how I was saying I was going back to week 1 well I'm going in head first.

Yesterday I had a lovely day being the official make-up artist of my friend H and her mom. Those bazillion years spent doing make-overs at The Body Shop are still in my head as I tell H "No purple for you". I still love seeing the expression of someone when you revamp their look and highlight the beauty they didn't know they had. This day also resulted in eating out for lunch and for supper. H and Mom treated me to supper which I thought was super awesome of them. I had the most amazing dessert at Earl's called Coconut Cream Pie. The Earl's Tin Palace is a test restaurant but we greatly encouraged them to launch it all Earl's as it is worth every darn point.

Alas at weigh in I knew those two meals would result in a gain, oh well it's my easter dinner so I'll suck it up. As I sat waiting for the meeting to start I overheard the left group (a group of highly entertaining friends that sit together on the left side of the room who I unabashedly eavesdrop on) discussing a new Spring Challenge. The creator has made a form to filled out weekly and you check off things like the 8 healthy guidelines, activity, water, tracking, a weekly group challenge (5 push ups a day for this week) and a personal challenge. It's a point based system and everyone picks a weight goal to be attained in the next 10 weeks. Each person puts $10 in the pot and there will be 3 prizes at the end. There are 24 people taking part all who are in my meeting. It was meant to be my friends, I jumped and joined. Now I don't have a printer so I'll fill out my stuff from the weekend when I get to work on Monday. I'll post more details on the challenge when I have form in front of me. Apparently the creator got the inspiration from the boards.

Today I wrote a rough copy of part one of the assignment due on Monday. This was the hardest part so I'm comfortable with attacking part two tomorrow.

Tomorrow I will head out for my first run/walk in ages. Thanks to Fatimah for the running partner offer, unfortunately I don't live anywhere near you however your support means a lot.

I'm doing yoga before I go to bed tonight. I purchased lovely colours of dry erase markers to put the 4 month calender I once used for school to now see my activity at a glance.

My personal goal for this week is to have some sort of activity every day so that's either a pre-planned workout or getting off the bus a few stops early.

I will beat last year's time at the HSBC half marathon in July.

A very Happy Easter to everyone!


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