Monday, February 11, 2008

Back among the living

Back at work today after a week of feeling totally blah. This must be some sort of super flu as still today I'm coughing and sniffling. At least today I have consistent energy and feel like an engaged member of society.

My 3.5 days at home last week had a repitive patter of wake up, eat something, nap and repeat. When up I would turn on daytime tv and get pretty bored by it's offering. On the View they yell at each other. Regis irritates me. Rachel Ray I can take in doses. I don't even bother with Maury or the others. Oprah gets pvr'd everyday anyway. Dr Phil is no fun anymore.

My favourite soap - Days of Our Lives is painful to watch two days running, - nothing happens.

I couldn't read as every time I coughed (which was a lot) I'd lose my place.

This is not a whoa is me post, we need better daytime tv.

Didn't got to weigh in this week because I felt off and the coughing was still crazy. I didn't actually feel more better than worse until Sunday. It sorta sucks about the weigh in as I knew I'd be down. I didn't track a thing while sick, I just ate when I was hungry. Novel idea really, I was eating normally by Thursday and the loss stayed but now I'm back in the office so we'll see what this Saturday brings.

Of course I didn't go to cake decorating on Thurdsay but thankfully my decorating buddy picked up the lesson book and this week I get to make a cake with fondant. Golly! I feel like I went from kindergarten to High School. I'm a bit nervous as I don't have any fondant to play with and won't until I walk into Michael's cake in tow on Thurdsay.

So Friday will be cake a palooza at work. The class cakes will be here and it's my decorating buddies birthday. I'm making her a frozen mousse cake so that will come to work on Wednesday and live in the freezer until Friday. For a minute I thought I had a paper due this weekend too, but thankfully that's the week after. Plus my Dad's dropping in on Saturday so I've got a lot to do between now and Friday. No rest for the wicked they say.

Tonight I want to practise some of the decorating techniques they covered last Thursday. Tomorrow I need to frost the cake decorating cake (which I baked yesterday) and make the birthday cake. Wednesday haul the birthday cake to work and put together everything I need for Thursday, Thursday cake decorating and Friday clean house.

Oy vey, I think it will be early to bed tonight.


  1. Ok, I'll say it anyway Woe is YOU! Really. I hope you get healthy soon!

  2. I hope you feel better soon! You're going to LOVE fondant! The fondant rose is awesome and you'll never want to make butter cream roses again.

  3. Oh I hate that when you are so sick you are in bed all the time, and you are right the day time tv is LOUSEY!!!
    Hope you feel better soon.
