Tuesday, February 12, 2008

And the coughing continues

I hate all cough medicine, cough tablets, anything that tastes yucky. So I've been going the natural root i.e. Honey.

I'm just irritated now as I conducted my first interview since being away and had to excuse myself for a moment as I coughed in a frenzy. I know it will go away and I cough less each day but I'm ready for it to be over damn it.

Interesting tv night my friends. The beginning of big brother and Bob appears to walk out of the weigh in on Biggest Loser. I'm intrigued I tell you.

My delightful cake decorating buddy loaned me a pack of fondant so I can colour it for Thursday and I'll just replace the pack. That's so awesome so I can get a bit of head start.

Apart from that I just keep thinking of all I must do between now and the end of the week.

Have a great day everybody!


  1. I can seriously hardly WAIT to see what causes Bob to walk away - I'm thinking someone throws a weigh in AGAIN....meanwhile - Big Brother should be interesting with the whole couples thing.
    I really feel for you with all the coughing. I hate that ache you get when you're done and you feel like someone has been kicking you for a week. Feel better soon!!

  2. Have you ever tried either Vietnmese soup or a spic Thei soup? When I'm sick, it does wonders for me.

  3. Oh no!! Hope you feel better soon... I too am maligned with some strange illness... sore throat and a lot of wooziness but no fever or real sneezing or coughing. Let's hope that this isn't the calm before the storm. Agree with the honey route! It's lots of lemon tea for me, mostly b/c I can't bring myself to wade through all this freakin' snow to go to the drugstore.

    Fondant! That's insane, do take pictures, I can't wait to see it.

    Oh now I am craving some nice hot spicy soup... mmmm...

    Non-contagious hugs!! :)
