Saturday, January 19, 2008

Snowglobe kind of day

This is the view from my front window this afternoon. It hasn't stopped snowing all day. On the way to my meeting it was like walking in a snowglobe. It was swirling around me all light and fluffy landing on my face. It's the kind of snow that's kind of sparkly. While pretty, I'm sure it's causing a mess on the roads. I had a snow angel today, one of neighbours shovelled my sidewalk. Of course I'll have to go do it again as more snow has fallen but I definitely appreciate it.
So weigh in didn't exaclty go as I was hoping. I was up 2lbs. That's typically what I gain the week before TOM if I don't plan right mainly making sure I drink enough water. I realized I didn't drink enough water at all and certainly not enough for my increased activity. Let me go into my week in review.
Week 1 - Started off well then hit a road block in the middle of the week. I was totally bored with what I was bringing for lunch and while I do plan to buy lunch on Wednesday I didn't go with what I planned and got beef stroganoff instead. Friday a few collegues were going to McD to get lunch and asked me if I wanted anything. I had the same boring lunch with me and I chose a cheesburger meal. Later on in the day I got a wicked headache that starts in the shoulder and moves up which killed my plans for the gym.
The good point of week 1 is that's it's week 1. There are 25 weeks ahead of me. The other positive I have worked out that much in a long time, so I got 4 stickers on my calendar, that's a whole lot better than nada.
While waiting for the meeting to start I did some meal planning. I came up with 4 options for breakfast, 2 option to alternate for work lunches and 5 options for dinner. My focus this week is getting 6 stickers on the calendar and pay very close attention to my water.
The gain of today would be gone by next week anyway but I'm shooting for a further loss.
So the starting stats are posted and I'll update those monthly. I chose to measure abs (at the belly button because I wanted a spot that easily identified to keep the measurements consistent).
I switched up my workout schedule a little to make Friday my day off and do yoga on Thursday. So the new schedule is:
Sat - cardio/weights
Sun - cardio/yoga
Mon - cardio weights
Tue- cardio/yoga
Wed - cardio/weights
Thu- yoga
Fri - off
Bring on Week 2 - I've got my game face on :)

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