Monday, January 21, 2008

A balmy -30

Day 3 Week 2

Well hello all, woke up to the radio saying it was -23 out there with a windchill of -30, yippee! The good news is it's supposed to warm up t0 -4, by the time I left the house it was -15 with a windchill of -22 so technically warming up.

My 2lb gain from Saturday is already gone so yay to that now the plan is to keep on going. I had planned to go to the gym on Sunday but it was -25 and I take the bus. So call me a wimp but I didn't even want to think about the windchill if the base temp was -25 and then to deal with Sunday bus schedules. I decided to stay home. My cardio was dancing around my living room. I did get a lot done. This week I made two recipes as lunch options so I can alternate. I made a recipe I found on the WW boards for Mexican Casserole (brown rice, refried beans, loads of veggies) and I made Mexican Potatoe Casserole out of the WW Simply the Best cook book. I used what remained from a pack of chili powder mix to season it as I find WW recipes can be kind of bland.

For the sweet tooth I made a pack of low fat banana muffins with a few chocolate chips added in. The pack makes 6 muffins at 3pts each, I made them as mini muffins and got 21 out of the pack for just under 1pt each. I'm counting it as 1pt each.

This weekend I got all my water in and that's my focus for this week as well. I already have dinner prepped for tonight (Money's Garden Burger). The only prep was to take the bun out of the freezer but hey that counts.

I need to swing by the library tonight and pick a few things I forgot on the weekend. This evenings workout will be at home and tomorrow I will head back to the gym.

I caught up on some shows on my dvr and finally watched the Biggest Loser. I didn't appreciate Neils comment that his wife could turn on the tears better than he could. Kind of glad to see him gone and thought Amanda looked amazing at the end. I'm rooting for the blue team I think, I've yet to hear them complain about anything.

Alas, let the work week begin....positive vibes to all of you this week.


  1. Positive vibes to you as well!

  2. the mexican casserole sounds REALLY yummy! I like the blue team also!
