Thursday, January 24, 2008

Rollercoaster day

Day 6 Week 2

Well that was yesterday, there were cupcakes in the office...they were raising money for the social commitee...I partook.

Went to dinner after and ate half of my meal (Butternut Squash ravioli with vegetables in pesto - the vegetables were shiny), went home and snacked a bit more...oy vey.

Well due to all that I have a low point focus for today and tomorrow. My cake decorating stuff is prepped and right next to my front door. My clothes for tonight are laid out on my bed. I am sorted I tell you.

Rumours of the lululemon sale are floating around, saying there was a 3hr line up this morning. I find that funny. I hope there isn't only hideous things left on Saturday. It's not like I'm a huge Lulelemon, I find they favour skinny people anyway. I'll be one, one day so I'm intrigued.

So we Canadians are behind on Project Runway as it started later here than in the U.S, so I am completely avoiding any mention of future episodes to keep the surprise - do you know how hard that is? It's everywhere.

Totally random today, there's hope for tomorrow.

Have a great day!

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