Wednesday, January 23, 2008

A myriad of thoughts

Day 5 Week 2

The news of Heath Ledgers passing flew through the office yesterday and I'm pretty sure everyone was talking about it. It saddens me that he leaves a very young daughter behind. I'm not going to say anything more about it as it's just a bunch of hearsay now until all the details are clear. I think the important thing about news like this is to take a moment and appreciate what you have in life.

I was the picture of organization yesterday, the minute I got home I made the icing. Slapped a damp tea towel on top of the mixing bowl so it didn't dry out. Made my supper and mixed the icing colours as I watched Biggest Loser. If you haven't watched it yet, stop know skip over the stuff in brighter green and meet me back on the other end.

Wow, I didn't see the all against one thing coming at all. I so felt for the yellow team. Damn the immunity thing because it would have been nice to see the black team go. It's just Mark that drives me nuts on the black team. However the most irritating award goes to the Pink team and their melodramatic behaviour at the elimination. I'm sorry but when you signed up for this you knew it was a game, a competition wthe added bonus is access to kick ass trainers and a controlled environment. I don't for a moment doubt that the Pink team would have voted off the Yellow team if their positions were reversed. I think it was smart of the Yellow team to pick from teams that had voted for them as opposed to picking another team. Didn't the Pink time make friends with Grey and Black? I was impressed with how Ali looked at the end, that girl worked hard so kudos to her. What will be really interesting is to now see only one person getting kicked out at a time and what made Jillian cry.

I started reading Jillian Micheal's book Winning By Losing again last night. I've had for a this book for a while and have read some of it but more skipped to parts. This time I'm starting from the beginning. She does a good job of making you think about the whys behind your behaviours and creating manageable goals. She has another book out that outlines a 30 day plan, I usually avoid books like this but maybe I'll see if I can get it from the library and then decide if I want to own it.

I continued my living room dancing activity and included jumping jacks. I am itching to get back to the gym, I never thought I would say those words. I also drank 3L of water yesterday - go me!

Have you seen? The new Jenny Craig girl is Queen Latifah, I saw the commercial this morning. Totally different style of commercial than Kristie and Valerie. More toned down not so comedy. It will interesting to see how that progresses.

On Saturday I think I'll head down the Lululemon warehouse sale that's happening this weekend in Calgary. I saw it mentioned on the Canadian WW boards and there was mixed thoughts on if this was worth it but I thought what the heck I'll go. It starts on Thursday and runs till Sunday with new merchandise arriving daily. If you're in Calgary it's at the Big 4 building on Stampede Park.

Dinner tonight at Prairie Ink, no menu to be found anywhere on the net so I shall choose carefully from the menu.

Have a great day everybody!

1 comment:

  1. the thoughts on the boards about the lulu sale was a lot of hearsay. I went to the one in TO last year TWICE; no fist fights, 20 min wait in line both times and came out with some good stuff the first time (second day of sale) and mediocre stuff the last day.

    It is always the out of season stuff they can't sell though but REALLY marked down. Sometimes it's worth it to check.

    Have fun!
