Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Step by step

Alright I stayed totally on plan as I went to Walmart after work yesterday. The whole time I was in there I was chanting 7pts in my head to keep me focused on the task at hand and not distracted by the Christmas yummies. Got home, made dinner, watched the finale of Project Runway Canada, fell asleep in the last 5 min so missed who won. Had to call my friend in Vancouver, started to munch on things while I was on the phone....damn it.

(I pvr'd a later episode of PR Canada so I know who won and I'm super happy about it.)

I went over for daily points but I tracked it all and used flex points for my munching. I still consider that to be OP as I strongly believe in using the flex points. I just need to stop and think before mindless noshing. Tonight I have 10pts for supper so I think I'll have a pasta dinner.

I'm so looking forward to the Biggest Loser finale. I have no guesses as to who wins. I love the transformations and how different everyone looks.

I had wicked work stress today but I have no desire to bury my frustrations in food. I'm still focused kids and taking it day by day.


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