Thursday, December 20, 2007

The plan works

Well I have tracked for 5 days in a row now, on my way to 6. I have dipped into flex but still have 10 unused and I don't plan to use them over the next two days.

On Saturday when I stepped on my home scale I was 184 (182.2 at WI), yesterday I was 180, today was 181 thanks to some after 8pm snacking but I'm cool with that. I usually do better if I have some fluctuation with my daily points. I am treating this like my first week of weight watchers and the proof is in the numbers. When you follow the plan, the plan works. Right now I'm on track to be back in the 170s on Saturday.

I will definitly post Saturday morning with my official weigh in.

Did you all catch the season finale of Biggest Loser? Why does everyone look so tan in the end?
Wowsers did the final 4 look good.
I was quite happy with Bill winning, sure it would have been nice for Julie to win but I genuinly liked Bill. The people who got sent home earlier did really well too. I'm still not crazy about Amy, there's just something about her that bugs me. What about when Jerry took off his shirt, I think I actually said "put it back on" outloud.

I was thinking about what a Biggest Loser Canada would like that, instead of working out at the beach would they have to shovel snow?

Have a groovy day everybody!

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