Thursday, November 01, 2007

Happy Belated Halloween

Seriously, where does the time go. The last time I was here was Monday, it's now Thursday and it's been a blur I tell ya.

On tuesday Hip Hop was a fun, only 6 people were there as opposed to almost 12. We continued the routine for "The way I Are". This included a knee move that the healing bruise on my knee didn't appreciate very much. I also discovered how icy a part of the sidewalk on the way there is, I'll have to keep a look out for that. On the running front I've had tremendous scheduling issues. Monday I was exhausted, Tuesday hip hop, Wednesday halloweeners, Tonight I have to bake a cheesecake and Friday going out to dinner.

My tracking has been awful lately, this morning I opened my tracker and realized I hadn't tracked since Monday. I sat there trying to remember what the heck I had eaten. I suppose the week of Halloween isn't the ideal week to declare starting over.

I got 32 trick and treaters last night, which I think is a couple more than last year but it was warmer this year.

Best costume of the night - A kid dressed up as a Bescherelle, if you've studied french in Canada you'll know what that is. It's the bible of french verbs and according to the kid's friend I was the only person on their route that knew what that was. I knew those 12 years of french would come in handy.

Cutest of the night - Probably 3 yrs old, dressed like a dragon.

Absolutely no one came after 8:30pm. I was snacking on the bowl - I know-bad, bad, bad and more bad. However I was waiting for the kids I was watching TLC and they had show called something like "They eat 33000 calories a day". I'm not kidding on the calorie part. They were interviewing a man who was removed from his house (by taking down a wall and using a forklift) to the hospital when he weighed 600lbs. At the interview he weighed 900lbs. He was laying down wearing only underwear. I can tell you I spit out that candy bar pretty quickly.

I'm going to do some sort of dvd workout tonight while I bake the cheesecake.

Alright, well I hope everyone is well and have a groovy day.

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