Monday, October 29, 2007

The thought behind raking leaves

I finally raked my front lawn on the weekend, I have a fairly big lot due to living in an old neighbourhood so raking is divided and quite frankly front lawn is priority over back. I'm one of those weird people that approach these tasks with a plan. I rake the leaves towards sidewalks so it's easier to pick up. I had great halloween leaf bags, if I get home when it's still light out I'll snap a picture for y'all. I was grooving to my mp3 as I raked and two neighbours complimented my leaf bags. Of course I had to stop, take out an ear phone and say "Sorry?". One hour and 45min of raking, boy did I feel it this morning.

Before I did that I walked to the mall and back with my halloween costume. I'm going to be the dental hygenist from hell. The idea came to me as I was at the dentist on Saturday and my super funny dental hygenist was saying something along the lines of why do people hate us. That gave me the idea. She gave me some masks, gloves and an old x-ray of hers. I bought scrubs at Walmart and a couple travel sized toothpaste and such that I'm going to velco to myself. Our receptionist thinks she has glittery devil horns and I will weild floss and a toothbrush at my colleagues.

So my weightloss meltdown of yesterday does seem TOM related. We had our two week weigh in for the office challenge and I was exactly the same as the start. I do have a complicated week running wise. Can't tonight, Tuesday is hip hop, Wednesday halloween. I'm going to switch in some dvd exercises in as they can take place even it's dark or cold out. Halloween is just a no go as I'm handing out candy and the little guys pretty much start at 5:30pm.

I discovered that saving shows on the dvr and watching them on the weekend is an awesome plan as it doesn't matter how many channels you have there's nothing on the tube on the weekend. Therefore having loads of time to workout.
Signing up for cake decorating tonight, I'm so excited.
Have a groovy day everybody!

1 comment:

  1. We have a TON of leaves to rake this weekend. We have a 1/2 acre lot with about 10 trees so you can't even see the grass any more! I'm just looking at it though as great exercise! Get those arms muscles working!
