Wednesday, June 06, 2007

What a storm!

Wowsers did we get a storm last night, well half of the city did anyway. My power went out from 7:30pm until 1am. It was kind of spooky as there was a lot of lightening. Two houses got hit, thankfully no where near mine.

I met H after work yesterday and the clouds were forming, we stopped at Safeway a while later and while we were walking back to the car it started to rain, by the time we pulled out of the parking lot it was big rain, by the time we got to my house (less than 10min away) it was a total downpour.

Apparenlty having a slight freak out due to a lot of lightening is good for weightloss. I was down 1.5lbs this morning.

If you're Canadian, today is camp day at Tim Horton's. All proceeds from coffees go to kids camps.

Not too much to report today as most of evening was spent sitting in the dark. Going to make a modified version of spaghetti squash puttanesca tonight with asperagus, capers and tomatoes.

My R2 potatoo and spud trooper arrived today! So now the top of my hutch has Darth Tater, R2 Potatoo, Spud Trooper, Spudder Man and Opti Mash Prime. I'll have to proceed carefully from this point on if the Mr. Potatoe head trend continues, I might need to install shelving

Have great day everybody!


  1. Anonymous2:32 PM

    i collect mr. potato heads at work and even have the teeny-tiny one that was a hallmark ornament... i did see the spiderman one in the store though and thought it was adorable - still considering the purchase... i used to collect the starbucks bears, back in the day, now they're sitting in a box... :o(

  2. LOVE the potato head collection. You've got all the coolest ones! ..although I I haven't actually SEEN the transformer one yet.

  3. Too funny, I sat and looked at the word "potatoo" for a long time wondering what it meant, only until I said "R2 potatoo" out loud did I finally get it. Cute

  4. Anonymous8:37 PM

    I'm sorry the storm scared you - I wish I had been there though because I LOVE STORMS. I think they are so fantastic, there's very little I dislike about them actually.. bring on the thunder storms for me baby!

    And yay on the being down 1.5lbs - you totally rock and you know it! ~winks~
