Friday, June 08, 2007

Found a red light food

Very random post today :)

I've been very tempted by a new ice cream product that I found in my local supermarket. There called Dibs, I keep seeing the commercial and the other day while in my local convenience store I picked up a small container. The vanilla version is worth 5pts per serving, so not horribly bad in the world of ice cream. The trick is sticking to the serving size. They're little squares of ice cream coated in the same coating as the Revello bars...they are soooooo good. I can never buy them from the grocery store because the pack is much bigger. As an occasional treat perhaps purchased from Mac's would be the best plan.

Headed out for a 5K walk when I got home yesterday and my pace was pretty decent so I was happy. Did yoga after that and attempted the dreaded upward facing plank, I look forward to the day I can actually do that pose.

Total kudos to Sarah and Anne for their talking blogs, if you haven't checked it out please wander over. It's like having a conversation with them. This has me considering picking up a web cam and trying it myself.

I've been craving salads lately and I think that's a true sign that spring/summer has arrived. All those in season gorgeous coloured veggies are calling my name.

My two co-workers who joined Weight Watchers last week have their first week weigh in today, I have my fingers crossed for them.

I'm in love with Tribe Medittarean hummous, the spice blend in this is awesome.

Watched the second episode of Pirate Master's last night and all I can say's alright. I may give it it one more episode but I don't find it all that interesting and find the contestants a little boring.

Watched SYTYCD, I'm not sure about Benji's sister, she doesn't have the same sparkle as Benji does. I have no clear favourites at this point so it should be interesting, I think a very interesting factor is how many contestants have had siblings who competed on this show before, I wonder if that will better prepare them or be a hindrance.

Isn't Canada's Next Top Model daring - 1st episode the nude shoot, 2nd episode dead seafood on your head. Wowsers they're weeding out the weaklings right off the bat. No clear favourite there either but I'm leaning towards Sinead, she seems to have her act together.

Alright I'm off to try and plan my menus for next week.

Everyone have a safe and fun weekend!



  1. I agree, those dibs do look good. I may get some as a weekend treat.

    I'm also liking Top Model this season.

  2. Oh yeah, you should totally get a cam!

  3. Boo, I missed the Thurs episode of SYTYCD, did Benji's sister get some airtime? I hadn't seen enough of her on the previous shows to get any idea of what she's like.

    Oh CNTM... I'm sad they got rid of whatsherface with the curly hair... I liked her! Sinead is very model-y, and Gina looks SO much better (less FHM) as a brunette.

    Those Dibs things are so tasty, but sooooo deceptive! You'd think the little tubs are single serving sizes, but they're actually 2 servings! They're super easy to blow through too... but since they're in individual pieces, I guess one could always split up the tub into 2 ziploc bags to keep in the freezer.

  4. Dibs are evil. This past March for my birthday, my husband and I went to a wild animal park. On the way back we stop at a gas station, and I ran inside to get a drink. I found those dibs there, and got them. I freakin loved them.
    They even sell them at our local movie theatre.

  5. PS Please join us with the talky blogs! I'd love to see you!!

  6. Anonymous5:46 AM

    "Watched the second episode of Pirate Master's last night and all I can say's alright."

    I totally agree with you, it's nothing special, and I really think they shoulda kept that strange guy around because it would have at least been.. well.. a strange show then. Oh well. I think I'm done watching it.

    Good for you for getting all that exercising in, I wish I could find that type of motivation for myself these days. Poo on me. Heh.

    And it would be fantastic to see you doing a talky blog too! If I could afford a camera right now, I would think of doing it.. maybe.. but for now I think I'll just worry about paying off my new car and such. ~winks~

  7. i have a cam but would be soooo afraid to have people hear me. i sound, er, child like and i doubt people would take me seriously.

    i have been avoiding those dibs like the plague and now i know why...
