Sunday, February 26, 2012
Operation Enough and SCC Week 8
I planned today out and tracked all of it, and even managed to drink 3L of water with the help of Nestea singles (no sodium). One day down.
I was thinking about my Operations as in Operation Butterfly and Operation Hottie well today I morphed them into one Operation Enough. No more sugar coating it as this is now war.
I've felt like I've been home for 5 minutes this weekend without having Friday off this week. Today was all about housework and laundry. I did watch the "Get Fired Up" dvd of the Turbo Fire collection. This an introduction to the program and kind of gives you what to expect. Of course the package came with a schedule to follow but due to my work situation (3 nights in camp a week) I modified it a bit. Calgary got hit by a cold front so the only time I went outside was to take out the garbage...brrrr.
The workouts break into different themes and combinations of HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training), Fire, Core, Tone, Sculpt and Stretch. Of course the pack comes with a workout schedule. I had to tweak this as I don't have a regular Mon - Fri job and spend 3 nights a week in a camp room. I intend to do these workouts in my camp room. My room is on the 2nd (top) level so I made sure to keep all the HIIT workouts (which seem to involve a lot of jumping) to when I'm at home. Your not supposed to do two HIIT workouts in a row so Friday and Sunday will now be HIIT days. Though in the first week there's only one HIIT workout. I do like how it's scheduled to get progressively more difficult to challenge yourself. Now let's see if I can do week 1.
Tomorrow I test out Fire 30 + Stretch 10 (one dvd) the good part is each dvd has a "new to class" option so you see the break down of the moves and work towards skipping that and going right into the workout. This DVD shows up 3 times in the 1st week so that will be tomorrow, Wednesday and Saturday. I'll break down the different workouts as I go through them and give you a little review- well hopefully I can get all the way through a workout.
Now to the Spring Chick Challenge as I wrote yesterday Week 8 was rough I could say PMS was partly to blame but I'm accountable for my actions and I more or less took last week off and forgot everything I knew about staying on plan. However I have now regained my senses.
Week 9 goals:
Activity - Start Turbo Fire
Track every day
Water minimum 2L but shoot for 3L
Check in with my fabulous buddy Enz every day. She very kindly volunteered to remind me to track so I asked her to add in a reminder about water. I'm so lucky to have her.
This coming Friday might be another night out to celebrate a birthday however if that happens I'll weigh in on Friday at noon. It's all about planning. I sat down and actually planned out my week by checking the camp menu for the week and having a good idea of points for dinner so that I can plan breakfast and lunch accordingly. I have traditional stand byes for breakfast and lunch so I can control the points better.
I'm also thinking about creating some blog cards for Fitbloggin as a way to introduce myself and give my blog deets. Do any of you have such a thing or advice on this?
In about an hour I'll make my way to bed with a book as I have cab coming at 4:30am to fly to work tomorrow.
Hope you enjoyed your weekend. To a new week!!!
Saturday, February 25, 2012
It seems to be going around and SCC wk 8
It felt like a long week this week and probably even longer as I had to go into work yesterday which is normally my day off.
I have a confession to make I skipped weigh in today. I'm not proud of that but I just didn't want to face the scale today. I seem to be back into the pattern of waffling and tracking last week was pretty iffy plus I had a few derailments. I've noticed I'm not alone. For challenge purposes I'll weigh myself tomorrow morning and use that weight.
I do keep up with all your blogs via a feed reader on my phone and Ipad and it's my daily ritual to go through and read them. I try to comment but sometimes on the iPhone it's hard especially with that new word verification that I have now turned off as I find it ridiculously cumbersome.
Last week my company declared they were sponsoring the Canadian Olympic team for another 4 years and a site we had a conference room full of red and white cupcakes as we were watching the announcement via web conference. I had one cupcake as they were ridiculously good which I have to admit is pretty rare a site. Later in the day the extras where in every kitchen so I had another one.
I did return to the treadmill on Wednesday and did 1:1 intervals for 20min and then walked for an additional 10. It felt good to run again and I was pleased that I could still run for 1 min.
Thursday was touch and go if we would land as this weird snow storm hit the north of Calgary. At one point no planes were landing but then we got clearance to go. The plane that was supposed to leave half an hour after us got delayed for 5.5 hours. We thought we might be delayed. A few of us were sitting near the vending machines and joking that this would be our source of dinner. It was pretty funny when people came up to use the machines and we told them that we got to choose what they got. It was surprising how many people let us pick what they were having. We were asking salty or sweet to narrow down the options. I didn't buy anything in the vending machine but when I got home I made myself a plate of nachos.
As for Friday's meeting I have to admit I wasn't sure if it was going to go well but I'm quite happy with how it all went. It was a grab and get lunch so we could keep plugging through and perhaps end early. I went to a sandwich place and got a chicken salad (with grapes in it) sandwich. Probably not the healthiest option but I didn't want Subway. Had I given it more thought I could have had a better plan.
I had to pick up my race plaque from FedEx which is by the airport. My friend M came to the rescue and saved me a mess of cab fare by coming with me and then we did dinner last night. I hadn't planned dinner and fully intended to go the meeting today but after dinner last night and two beers I realized I had thrown the week.
In between the meeting finishing and before M finished her day I went to Origins and picked up the Andrew Weil line as my skin has been angry lately. I've used the serum before but yesterday I went all in with cleanser, toner and moisturizer - so far so good. I also picked up a new moleskin LEGO journal, with the thought of needing a restart. I also love LEGO.
Though last night I wrote in my current journal as I realized I need to see this through not stop a journal a third of the way through. Suck it up, pick myself up and keep going. I do realize that stress is the biggest factor in my self sabotage but I do believe there's a light at the end of the tunnel. The LEGO journal will wait until I'm done with my current one. I gave myself a good talking to in that journal last night.
I got the package notice that Turbo Fire had arrived and I debated picking it up today as there's a mess of weather warnings of blowing snow. I finally just sucked it up and headed out and walked to Walmart and the post office. The weather wasn't so bad actually just fairly windy.
It came with booklets and a whack of DVDs. This is the trend in the workout world it seems P90X, Insanity, Turbo Fire and Jillian Michael's Body Transformation seem to all come with the same stuff and a whack of DVDs. This is on tap for tomorrow as the weather is supposed to be pretty awful with more blowing snow.
I also picked up some good stuff grocery wise today.
I've never tried this particular bread before. Silver Hills also makes Squirrelly Bread which I used to buy all the time but then got tired of it so I thought I'd try something new. 2PP per slice.
I love cherry yogurt. My go to breakfast at camp is the hot cereal of the day and yogurt. Now I'm fairly positive the yogurt in the camp kitchen is full fat and full sugar. So next week I'll bring this with me and use it as my morning snack and skip the yogurt in the morning and stick to hot cereal. This is 2PP per container. I like the Oikos greek yogurt, it's kind of funny that the individual 2% ones are also 2PP.
These are coming with me as well. I have Ryvitta crackers in my desk and you can get WW bread in the pack lunch kitchen so I might make my own sandwich of hummus and tomato/onion or something as supposed to the Mr.Noodle soup (8PP) which is starting to be a habit These packs are 3PP each.
Tonight for dinner I'm having zucchini spaghetti (zucchini spiraled and lightly sauteed in a little EVOO) with organic tomato sauce and some freshly grated Parmesan.
This is going to be a great week. 3 weigh ins remain until the end of this challenge so all is not lost.
Tomorrow will be my adventures of trying Turbo Fire...
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Impossible - SCC WK7
"nothing is impossible, the word itself says I'm possible" - Audrey Hepburn
I need to remind myself of that. The medal rack arrived now I just need to install it but it's a pretty good tool to remind myself that I am possible.
Well I did see a gain on Saturday. I was up 1.6lbs. While not ecstatic about the gain I'm happy I didn't bail on my meeting. It was great to see Deb and be back in the meeting. At the end of the meeting she said even if you saw a gain today or not as much of a loss as you were hoping know that you've honoured the commitment to yourself by being there today.
All my grand plans for Friday went out the window when my friend called who's also a co-worker. We needed to pick up the coasters we had painted for our out going director. Well I wound up spending the whole day running around with her. So that involved a vegetarian salad roll lunch and dinner at Mongolie Grill. While I did think I made good selections at Mongolie I forgot about the sauces and the high likelihood there'd be a good chunk of sodium.
Mongolie Grill is one of those restaurants where you will a bowl with ingredients from a salad bar type of set up, add a sauce and they cook it up. The good thing is you totally control what's in it, the part I forgot about is I don't know what's in the sauces. I went with honey garlic, coconut and peanut sauce on my plethora of veggies and chicken. I am betting sodium was a factor in my 1.6lb gain.
On Saturday I could finally return to Starbucks but I had a muffin with my latte as breakfast. I should have had something with protein. I needed to pick up the rest of the things I needed as on Friday I didn't have my list with me. I didn't go the gym instead I went outside as the temperature was mild and the sun was shining. I decided to go for a walk and I didn't look at my Garmin once I just wanted to move as this was pretty much my first workout since the Tinkerbell Half.
All in all I did 5.06km, 48:25min/ Avg pace 9:34/ 191 calories burned.
Today I'm getting myself sorted. I've baked some thinly cut chicken breast after marinating it in a garlic lime marinade yesterday - this for my salad lunches at work. I've portioned it out into 3oz packages. I'm also making a pot of turkey chili to be a quick meal when I fly home and another option for Monday lunches.
I've started a pile next to work bag of things I need to bring with me, which includes that extra set of workout clothes for my office (I did get another pair of runners), a whack of Nestea single flavour packs to get me back on track with water and my lunch is packed and in the fridge.
Next up is laundry.
Yesterday food wise was a total foodapalooza, now I do want to use Saturday as my treat day as in if there has been something I've been craving all week I can have it on Saturday. I pretty much snacked all day and then went out to dinner with another friend. Know I knew about the dinner all week. I could have planned my day a lot better. I really should have had the egg sandwich at breakfast instead of the muffin as I suspect it would have kept me fuller and not so likely to snack.
Before I left for WW I was watching an infomercial for Turbo Fire, well after my walk I ordered it. It looks like a load of fun and it's something I could do in camp and as the workouts range from 20-40min, it's my no excuses tool when the weather is not great for running.
Today I'm focusing on water and staying on track. I fully plan to annihilate those 1.6lbs.
A wee less then 4 months till my birthday - this is war.
Goals for this week:
Exercise: Mon - Run, Tue- Yoga, Wed-Run, Thurs-Yoga, Fri- Rest
Now my challenge this week is I have to work on Friday (normally my day off) and it's an all day offsite meeting so that's why I've made it a rest day. The offsite is out of town so I have no idea when I'll be home. I will be focused.
Hope you had a good weekend.
Friday, February 17, 2012
Where did the week go
When I last posted on Monday I had full intentions of hitting the treadmill on Wednesday.
Tuesday was of course Valentine's Day. The camp bus driver wished me a Happy Valentine's day and hoped the company bought me roses. That didn't happen but the company did provide a plethora of Valentine's Day themed baked goods. I went a wee overboard on that. The weird thing the next morning when I weighed myself I was down. Mind you I skipped supper.
Wednesday I wound up working an hour and half longer then I had planned therefore missing my opportunity to get a treadmill. My camp is facing some gym overcrowding issues and if I don't get a treadmill before 7pm I'm kind of hooped as by 8pm I'm pretty much ready for bed. I start work at 6am.
Thursday I fly home.
Today I had full intentions of going the gym and then grocery shopping but then I got a call from my friend/co-worker and those plans turned into running errands picking up the coasters we painted last weekend to give our out going director (who is going to a new group). The team was having dinner tonight. We were on the go all day today. I bought a new pair of runners.
So another week with not one workout session. I did hatch a plan though.
You see there is a gym in my office building at site that I have never used. I have always been an after work workout kind of girl and preferred camp because well it's close to my room. However it's not like I can't go from the office gym to camp.
So I'm going to keep a pair of runners and workout clothes in my office so if I work a little late I can go to the office gym which is no where as near as busy as the camp gym. I still want to keep an option in my camp room because my other option is get up earlier in the morning and go to the gym and I don't always have to work later.
They are working on solutions for the camp gym. One I'm kind of looking forward to is putting gym equipment in a sort of bonus room in our camp wings. That would mean a treadmill down the hall from my room.
That's one of the bonuses of working in a camp environment the plethora of gyms.
I did get some grocery shopping done tonight as my friend needed to as well so we hit Walmart after dinner. Now I didn't have my list so I will do a return trip tomorrow after the gym.
Now tomorrow's weigh in will be interesting after going out to dinner tonight, however I'm so looking forward to seeing my regular leader.
Now I have no excuses as I have runners at home, in my camp room and in my office.
No matter what the scale says tomorrow I'm focusing on a killer new week.
Monday, February 13, 2012
I did not run yesterday. I had awesome intentions though.
I was dressed with Garmin and iPod in hand and then out the door. Moments later I realized I had a Garmin with little power left and a dead iPod. I was only 2 houses down so I turned back to recharge the devices. Wimpy? Perhaps and had the iPod been charged I probably would have kept going. I'm not at the point where I enjoy a run for a runs sake. I need the tunes.
Well by the time the charging was done I was knee deep in reading (ironic that it was on running) and doing laundry. The moment was lost.
I had thought I'd run tonight but there's a reason I don't plan runs on Mondays - I've been up since 3:30am and zonked. I'm showered and in my pjs right now.
I did write out my training plan for the half marathon in November on my wall desk calendar and will do so shortly in my camp room calendar. The training doesn't start till July but as I've said before I'm a planner. The Tinkerbell training totally snuck up on me so this time I'll be ready.
That plan has runs happening on Wednesday, Friday and Sunday so I can get 2 runs outside. I might as well adopt that schedule now. The plan now is to work on intervals by November I'd like to be at least at 4 min run and 1 min walk if not better. On Wednesday it will be starting back at basics to build a stronger foundation.
So those Sunday runs will be sorted the night before from now on and everything will be charged. Also they will happen first thing or else too much of a chance of getting distracted. Not so unlike the days of doing Running Room classes.
I did do a great job food wise today so that's a win.
Well I hope all of you enjoyed your Monday.
Saturday, February 11, 2012
A sign?
The first snippet was me at the airport and then on the plane. Well me rocking a pair of J Brand jeans in red, black boots and a funky top. Then on the plane flirting with the cute guy sitting next me.
Next snippet strolling through the casino of Aria (where I'll be staying) rocking a black sexy cocktail dress and wearing blue stilettos (I already own the shoes thanks to my wee addiction to Shoe Dazzle).
Now in these snippets I was not me as I am now, I think this was goal weight me.
Huh, I've never had that type of dream before. Even when I attempted Operation Hottie two years ago for when I was going to Vegas for my friends birthday. Of course the trip coming up in June is for my birthday so perhaps that what makes the difference.
Tomorrow I dust off another thing, this time the running shoes after a two week hiatus. Still not sure if I'll head outside or to the gym, it's supposed to be +2C by noon so that's sort of exciting. Worst case scenario I think its -5C in the morning. I'm going to take it easy and start following the Jeff Galloway plan. After two weeks off I'm pretty much starting from scratch anyway. Not sure what the intervals will be as Galloway strongly believes in the walk break. I don't think I'll need to start from beginner start but according to his strategy the purpose is to not be out of breath during the run intervals.
I also dusted off something that worked for me before. I've had a challenge getting the 2L of water in. Back in the day when I had this challenge I'd flavour a litre of water with a pack of Nestea 5 calorie Ice Tea packet. I did this today and had one litre down in no time. This week my goal is one litre flavoured and one litre unflavoured. The pack is supposed to be used in 500ml of water but I find it fine in a 1L actually I might try half a pack in 1L.
I'm also setting a challenge for myself this week no sweets aka chocolate or cookies, track, 2L of water and follow the workout plan I wrote on my kitchen calendar. If I do that, I can treat myself to a manicure and pedicure on Saturday after weigh in. The danger period for this is Mon - Thurs when I'm at work with the dessert wall in the dining room and pack lunch kitchen. I really do need to take a picture of it so you get what I'm talking about. I'll write the workout schedule on the calendar I have in my camp room as well.
It was funny when we were waiting for the plane on Thursday one of co-workers asked me how I stayed focused on training for the half marathon. I told him I used stickers to note done on the training calendar. Another co-worker laughed as that's how they potty trained their kid. I told him - Hey, if it works use it.
I love using stickers on a calendar.
I had lunch with a friend today and spent the afternoon pottery painting. Then she needed to swing into H&M. I don't know how anyone finds anything in the store. Another rather odd thing I was scoping out shop windows for potential outfits for Vegas...
Wonder what I'll dream tonight.
Hope you all had a great Saturday!
Friday, February 10, 2012
Spring Chick Challenge WK6 weigh in
So to describe my week in one word would be: off
A very good thing this week was Air Canada had a seat sale so I booked my flight to Fitbloggin 12. So now everything is booked with the exception of San Francisco (waiting on my cousin for more details) and the Disney Wine and Dine registration which opens March 13th.
Tracking wise was so so. I usually made it to lunch time really well but then dinner was entered the day after. Hey at least it was entered. When this has happened before I tend to pitch the tracker and get a new one but not this time. I have to see this through and turn it around.
Even though I've been doing a fly in fly out schedule now for over a year I still find scheduling my weekends somewhat of a challenge.
It's important I buy groceries on Fridays as I do only have 3 days at home I need to make sure I factor in packing a lunch on Monday. Now of course I don't need a lot of groceries but I still need to meal plan for 3 days.
If I leave it to Saturday I'm running out of days at home and then it messes up going to the gym.
Now I do love my Saturday WW meetings at 8:30am as I love the group just as much as the leader. The gym which is across the street from my WW meeting has Zumba at 10:45am and Iron Reps at 12:15pm. Now my WW meeting ends at 9:30am so that leaves a good chunk of time till Zumba and not really enough time to go home and come back again. I also walk to WI which is roughly 12 blocks from my house.
So I've tried picking up all perishable groceries on Friday and use that hour between WW and Zumba to pick up the stuff that doesn't require refrigeration or freezer. When I've left the shopping to Saturday I have picked up the stuff non perishable stuff and stuffed into my backpack, gone to the gym and then back the store afterwards to pick up the fresh stuff - definitely not ideal.
Today was totally sideways as I wanted to weigh in today as I was going out to dinner tonight and I just didn't want to worry about sodium and everything else the night before weigh in. Now I also needed to go to Purolator to pick up a parcel. Purolator is a bit of a hike from my neck of the woods.
I tried a different bus route to get to Purolator (that I thought would better) which had me get off at the totally wrong spot and walk for many many blocks in -22C windchill. I then took the bus I should of home but due to C-Train construction it didn't stop where I thought it would and that caused about a 10 block roundabout to get to the mall. Now my intention was to buy groceries then go to the meeting. Now my timing was totally off as I had about an hour to kill until the meeting. Now this meant I wasn't staying for the meeting as I didn't think my frozen stuff would survive.
So I had a drive by weigh in and was miraculously down 1.2lb. Then I took a bus home as I was in my running shoes and the snow that had been falling was very fluffy and hiding some icy spots. I already tested my balance on a few of those today. I know the meeting topic was tracking so I still have to read the WW weekly but I'm also reading all your blogs on what you thought of this week's meeting.
As I was walking the many blocks I did have time to think about how to make a schedule that really works.
So here's what I came up with.
Friday - This is supposed to be a run day but if the weather is blechy it's the treadmill. So if it's nice go outside after breakfast then grocery shop. If it's treadmill do that then grocery shop.
Saturday- Bring a coffee to weigh in, then in between weigh in and the gym have breakfast (that I usually eat in the meeting) bring the Ipad so I can read.
Sunday - Run day so same rules as Friday without the grocery shopping.
Now dinner is no longer happening as my friend wasn't feeling well so it's lunch instead tomorrow. The plan I've listed above will go into effect next weekend as this one is a little sideways.
So my goals for week 7 are very straight forward:
Track - the whole day on the day preferably
Minimum of 2L of water
Follow my workout schedule (finally) though it might be modified slightly as I've been reading Jeff Galloway's book and it's given me a few things to think about but that's only minor tweaks to what I already created.
I do hope you all had a great week.
Monday, February 06, 2012
I'm dangerous when I'm tired
Last night I was in bed by 6:45pm with the intention to read, specifically Jeff Galloway's book "Running - Get Started". When I said I was going back to basics I wasn't kidding.
I should have known that bed and book would cause me to fall asleep half an hour later.
I woke up on my own at 3:30am, so I got up.
Fast forward to 6pm when I got to camp and I'm tired. My dinner plan went out the window. The online menu was wrong and they had tacos tonight. I had tacos which put me over points wise. I'm so tired. The plan now is pajamas and while watching a train wreck called The Bachelor.
Tomorrow is a new day. I'm going to attempt a chopped salad lunch with the ingredients available in the camp pack lunch kitchen.
Sunday, February 05, 2012
Am I the only one not watching football?
The sneezing resurfaced today but I can't say I feel bad. I decided to make today a rest day just to be safe. Instead of running I did laundry, washed dishes and straightened up. When I was looking for something else I found my finisher medal from the 2007 Calgary Half Marathon, huh now I have 4 medals to hang on the medal hook.
I had a good number on the scale this morning which sort of surprised me. I was tracking away today when at 3pm I had an altercation with Lifestyle blueberry brown sugar cookies. When I bought these I thought they might be a healthier cookie...duh there is no such thing as a healthy cookie. I reached my senses and tossed the remaining cookies.
I've got myself sorted for flying off to work tomorrow. Clothes are laid out and work bag is mostly packed. I'm taking a Smart Ones Fettuccine for lunch tomorrow as I didn't really buy any groceries this weekend mostly stuck to what was in my pantry as I did go shopping on Tuesday. I had steamed asparagus for lunch with a grilled cheese sandwich. I saved some asparagus and chopped it up to take with me tomorrow. I think it will be a nice way to bulk up the fettuccine.
I've already scoped out the camp menu and there's a vegetable soup that clocks in at 1PP on the dinner menu.
Monday's are always an interesting food day as I'm having breakfast at 4am and it's a long time till lunch. So snacks are pretty important and I usually aim for a lighter dinner as I'm pretty wiped by the end of the day.
Nothing outrageously exciting today but I do hope all of you enjoyed your Sunday.
Saturday, February 04, 2012
Spring Chick Challenge WK5 Update
I was up .4 at WI today and all in all that's not so horrendous. My tracking was practically non existent since I left for the half marathon. However today is a new week and like I said yesterday - Game On!!!!
So Week 6 is all about getting back into it and to address Stormy's questions.
- Best moment so far - Tinkerbell Half by far, it re-ignited by race mojo
- Not so great moment - not being as far along in weight loss as I wanted to be
- Any funny stories - the guy during the race holding up the sign that said "Worst Parade Ever"
- Are you where you hoped you would be in this journey - No, but I also realize training for a half marathon isn't exactly when one should be thinking about cutting calories and it also works as a heck of an excuse
- Would I like a buddy for the last 6 weeks - Sure, the more support and encouragement the better
- Anybody wanna chat online sometime - I'm open to text messages or twitter but I don't spend a whole lot of time on a laptop mostly my iphone or ipad.
I embrace the mini challenge of focusing on water - I was planning on that anyway
My goals for Week 6 are:
Minimum 2L of water per day
Food - I treated today as a treat day so used a good chunk of my WP but the goal is smack on 26pts from Sunday to Friday. I'm trying the strategy of if I really want something and still want it on Saturday I can have it.
Fitness - put my new workout plan into action. Today I had planned to go to Zumba and Iron Reps but I felt off and was sneezing a lot so I just walked to weigh in then Walmart and back home again. I can breathe through both nostrils now so tomorrow I plan to run I'd like to do at least 30min.
Fun-Not sure about this one, right now I'm embracing my race mojo and building a stronger base
Today I headed to WI and my usual routine is to stop at Starbucks and get breakfast. Shock and horrors my Starbucks is closed for renovations. So I went to Safeway and got their breakfast sandwich (two egg whites, whole wheat english muffin, bacon and cheese) it's half the price of the Starbucks version but they nuked pre made egg whites which Starbucks does as well. However it tasted a heck of a lot better, the Starbucks version is a bit dry.
Now I'm thinking I should go to MacDonald's. The Egg McMuffin is exactly the same number of points as the reduced turkey bacon version at Starbucks, and the Egg McMuffin has a freshly cooked real egg. McDonald's also makes just a good of a latte and it's way cheaper. Gives me something to think about anyway.
I'm happy Deb my regular leader is back next week. The sub was good but not the same. I have 4 weigh in coupons left so I plan to make February fantastic.
Hope you all had a great Saturday.
Friday, February 03, 2012
Oh boy I'm in it now
So now I'm going to the US 5 times in 2012 with 4 trips remaining. Mind you Vegas, San Francisco and Baltimore (FitBloggin) are short trips that include weekends. I booked a week at Disney World as I've never been and I want some time to explore.
I also bought this yesterday:
It's a medal hook, I saw them at the expo at the Tinker Bell Half and thought what a good idea of course at that moment I didn't realize that after finishing that half I'd be gung ho do another one. I dug out my medals from the Honolulu Marathon and Vancouver Half Marathon from 2006 (Calgary doesn't hand out finisher medals) and am going to hang those on there with the gorgeous Tinkerbell finisher medal. I bought this one online, yeah pretty ambitious of me to get one with 10 hooks, there is a 5 hook option. But when I saw "Believe" I knew it had to be mine.
I have weigh in tomorrow and when I stepped on the scale this morning things did not look good in fact is said 2lbs up. Let's face facts I've been on vacation mode lately. I actually flirted with the idea of skipping weigh in tomorrow and then I quickly slapped myself up the head. That is not going to help me, so what if I have a gain. Sticking my head in the sand is not the answer and after I step on that scale tomorrow I have a whole new week in front of me plus fueled to do better.
It's game on time. I want to be close to or at goal by that Vegas trip in June, definitely by San Fran and Baltimore and I want to smoke my Tinkerbell time at the Wine and Dine.
On Wednesday I did not run. On my new training plan I made Mondays a yoga day because I'm up at 3:45 am to fly to work. Well on Wednesday I was up at 3:45 am to fly to work. I forgot my ipod and yoga dvds. I was in bed by 8pm.
At 2:21am the fire alarms went off in our camp dorm. So I pulled on warmer clothes over my pjs and headed outside. Apparently a hallway heater got a wee warm and set it off. Oy vey all day yesterday you saw a lot of people with bags under their eyes. Today I slept till just before 9am.
So two flights in two days and dinner out yesterday probably a good part of the 2lbs I saw this morning.
You know what I know I can do this and you know what so can you.
Now I must go drink some water.