Saturday, May 25, 2013

Down but not dead - full disclosure

When one decides to write a weight loss blog it brings a lot of conflictions. Do you share everything including when you fall off the wagon, do you only post successes? I must always remember I started this blog for me so followers will come and go. 

Well I did say in my little blog into that this was the good, the bad and the ugly. 

When I posted about how I rocked the program and got 2.2 loss and then I said I hope I don't blow it. 

I never should have said that, what I should have done is gone forward full of positivity and "I will rock this attitude. 

That didn't happen. 

As I've mentioned before I work a compressed work week right now 40hrs in 4 days. This week was long. We have quarterly town halls and I get to go to 9 of them. I track the questions asked and make sure we're communication the answers consistently. 

This also means a whole lot of meeting that go until 7pm and I did not plan well this week at all. 

I got a run in on Monday, that was it. 

I stopped tracking by lunch time 3 days in a row. 

I'm disappointed and frankly ashamed that I took a great week and through it out the window. It was all my own fault. 

That brings me to today I didn't set my alarm last night so I missed the first meeting. I weighed myself on my home scale and saw a gain of 3lbs and opted to not go to the 2nd meeting. Instead I went to pick up a race pack for race I won't be doing on Sunday. 

Now that's all the down and gloom I'm going to write about now it's time to put my attention forward and consider this a blip. I have a new week ahead of me, last week is in the past. 

Now on to happy news - I won a pair of Reebok shoes

I entered a twitter contest from and designed a pair of shoes on their website and I was the weekly winner. Those shoes are now on their way to my house. I think they're perfect for my soon daily trek to the C-Train station to get to work Downtown. 

I won't be running the Scotiabank Half tomorrow, I didn't train enough and I failed to plan. All these trips to Edmonton messed with my normal go to training program and I could have come up with a back up plan but I didn't. I thought about going and just walking it as I thought the Edmonton trips would be finished but I'm going to Edmonton tomorrow. 

I went to get the t-shirt I paid for and check out the expo. I have to say that's getting better from the first time I did this race years ago but I just went to pick up the t-shirt as I didn't feel like I really deserved to enjoy the expo as I wasn't racing - that's was in my head. 

Front of the shirt

The back of the shirt. 

I didn't realize Calgary has the oldest marathon in Canada and next year it turns 50. 

Hmm, that will 2 days before my 42nd birthday. 42 sticks in my head as that's how old my mom was when she had me. 

Lately I've been doing my nails, this will be week 3 when I take off last week. 

The first week it was dark blue with a turquoise accent nail, last week was purple with star sticker accent nail. This is after 6 days of wear not bad huh. I've been doing base coat, top coat and using OPI Chip Skip. I'm thinking the Chip Skip is kind of genius. 

Well this afternoon I had to zip to Walmart and I picked up this. 

I'm thinking pink nails this week with this on the accent nail. One thing I must remember when I go to Walmart is make sure there's a bar code and there wasn't on this little bottle and I got boy cashier who didn't know what this stuff was called. I said Nail Polish. 

Tomorrow I'm going to try to squeek in a run as the hotel treadmill is defective - top speed is 4 miles. 

My goals this week:
Track every day and plan out the day ahead. 
Min 9 cups of water per day

It's back to basics week. I'm down but not beaten. 


1 comment:

  1. Thank you for not being afraid to share your struggles. This whole process to live a healthy life is surrounded with living our regular life as well. I'm sorry you weren't able to train enough for your 1/2 but lesson learnt!

    Great nails by the way !! Still taking care of yourself even if your weeks been hectic!

