Saturday, July 30, 2011

Saturday of a long weekend

I made a conscious effort to take a picture of all my food today and can I say I have huge respect for all of you who do this all the time. I almost forgot to snap a picture a number of times.

The start of my day was my weightwatcher’s meeting. Hardly anyone there today which is typical for a long weekend and summer actually.

I always get breakfast at Starbucks as I don’t eat before I weigh in. Today it was my traditional Grande NF Caramel Macchiato and their Reduced Fat Turkey Bacon/ Egg White English Muffin.
I was up .4 today which I knew was going to happen. Last week I tried an old strategy of mine that worked before and I learned it from a person in my meeting who had lost over 100lbs. The strategy is simple Saturday is treat day. Eat whatever you want. I did track all week as in everything so that’s huge win for me.

Last week I had the Buttermilk Blueberry Muffin with my drink and I ordered a pizza and bread sticks. I used all of my WP in one day. The rest of the week was good I got lots of activity I still tracked everything. Thursday was my downfall went completely off plan – still tracked it. I knew a loss this week would be a miracle.

I still treated today as treat day but not hog wild. For example by having the English muffin I got a good protein source vs. the muffin and didn’t feel the need to snack all day.

Around noon I did get a little hungry so had hummus with some 60% WW French bread. I picked up a few magazines today too.
I had a handful of these as well. Chocolate Graham cracker Fish – 25 Fish for 2 ProPoints. These are yummy, not super sweet at all but it’s definitely wise to count out 25 or you could nosh away.
I then made some veggie chili to freeze so I have handy lunches to pack for Monday or a quick dinner on Thursday when I get home.
Super easy recipe. Half an onion, a red pepper, yellow pepper, orange pepper chopped up and sautéed a little. Add a can of diced tomato, tomato sauce, kidney beans and pinto beans and one pack of Old El Paso Chili seasoning and done. I let it simmer for a few hours so it reduced to a thicker consistency. If I split this into 6 servings it’s 2 ProPoints each.

My treat today was cinnamon rolls. These are Pillsbury as I’ve been craving a good cinnamon roll. I ate 2 but they weren’t as fabulous as I was hoping. I should have stopped at one but they smelled so good.
For dinner I wanted to have chili but combine it with the 100 cal packs of Wholly Guacamole that I found on Friday. The only I could think of was Chili nachos.
This was a massive portion, I ate half as most of my nachos were soggy so I guess a good thing so I didn't scarf it all. I was impressed with the guacamole you get a fair bit for 100 calories.
I also picked up the last bottle of Grapefruit Perrier on the shelf of my grocery store. They had two packs of six but as I had never had it before so I just got one bottle. Thanks to Jamie for blogging about it as I had no idea it existed.
I did attempt to go to Zumba and Iron Reps today but I forgot that my gym has no classes on long weekends. It doesn’t matter that the actual holiday is on Monday. I decided to try a run/walk but I had the wrong shoes. For running and walking I have Mizuno Wave Alchemy shoes as I overpronate. Today I had my Nike Free Cross Trainers which are far better for Zumba and weight training. My gymboss battery was dead as well. I spent 20min on the treadmill and just wasn’t into it. I still got 87min of walking in today as I not only walked to WI and back, 20min on the treadmill and then I took the neighbours dog for a half hour walk.

Today was definitely a higher point day but tomorrow won’t be and I’m committed to seeing a loss next Saturday.

I picked up protein powder today. I’ve been meaning to for awhile but get overwhelmed at all the varieties. One of my friends recommends this one. I didn’t use any today but I think a Green Monster will be in my future tomorrow.
Tomorrow I will take myself outside for a run/walk and I’m seriously thinking about taking myself to the movies as well. I’m going a little stir crazy as I just spent a whole week at home.
Hope you had a fabulous Saturday.


  1. Sounds like you had a great day, despite the gain..which I know you will lose in no time!

  2. I love cinnamon rolls. I make a killer batch of 'em from scratch too.

    Sadly, if I gave you one of mine, it'd probably be your whole day's worth of calories and fat! Not good! Hence...why I haven't made 'em in a very long time.

