Saturday, July 02, 2011

Day 43- Is customer service dead?

I pretty much spent the entire day reading or napping as I waited for Telus to arrive and install my upgraded internet so I could get Telus TV.
Of course it wasn't until 4:30pm that the tech arrived but c'est la vie.

Then it got annoying.

There was no Xbox with my order. The tech showed me the notes and apparently they told me I didn't get that because I was not a new internet customer. Nope, they didn't tell me that and I was getting it because I was a new TV customer.

The didn't tell the tech that the internet had to be upgraded so the tech had to run a new line into the house from the pole outside which I don't think he's getting paid for.

Thankfully the internet works. However the TV not so much.  My activation is not complete we discovered after the wonderful tech called in to see why the activation code wasn't working.

Tomorrow they will be dealing with a rather annoyed me. So annoyed that I'm blogging about it and tweeted about it. Don't mess with me when you give me crappy customer service.

Alas, yesterday was a lot of fun a Craft Beer Market.  It was great company with K, M, R and M. I'm really lucky to work with great people who are also my friends. I thoroughly enjoyed the strawberry twist (1/2 Big Rock Cider and 1/2 Fruili beer) as it's not super sweet nor super dry. It's an excellent refreshing drink for a summer day. I had really wanted to try the Crave cupcake specifically created for them with beer infused icing but they didn't have any yesterday. Oh well I'll definitely be going back and in fact I think this now ranks as my favourite bar to hang out in. It's huge and the 100 beers on tap is an engineering marvel.

Even though there were frustrations today I did not self medicate with food so that's a victory. Tomorrow it's off to the gym for walk/run day.

Hope your Saturday was more fun then mine.


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