Saturday, June 25, 2011

Day 36 - How motivational is this?

They released the picture of the finisher's medal for the Tinker Bell Half Marathon and how cute is this. Apparently Tinker Bell spins.

I'm kind of impressed. The other finisher medals I've received in the past have been so so. I think Vancouver had the nicest so far. This one seems super nice. Well Disney does have a pretty good reputation.

Went to weigh in today and I was up .6, so better then I expected but that also means I'm back to bouncing between the 170s and 168.

I watched Finding Sarah last night and I'm quite enjoying this show. When Dr. Phil quoted the saying  "there are no victims just volunteers" to the Duchess on the topic of self sabotage that struck a chord in me. I'm looking at this from a weight loss perspective. I can come up with a million excuses of why I had a bad week i.e. stress, hormones, tired but when it comes down to it I'm a full fledged volunteer in causing that bad week.

The deciding factor to sign up for this race in January 2012 has a lot to do with having a goal outside of a scale number. It's been all about the scale for a while now and that's not exactly working so it's time to shake things up. I needed a challenge and I do best when challenging myself.  I have something to prove to myself.

There are 31 weeks until race day. So my plan now is to build endurance, build running skills and focus on being lighter for the next 17 weeks. Then the last 14 weeks will be concentrated training on the half marathon itself. I plan to do intervals of running/walking through the race. What those intervals are will be decided when I nail down my training plan for the race itself.

So for my first chunk I'm starting with simple back to basics goals for the week:
1. Track
2. Stay within points (including WP)
3. Water - aim for 2L a day
4. Follow the workout schedule

The workout schedule is:
Saturday - cross training (today it was mowing the lawn and walking to WI and back - 7 AP)
Sunday - Run/Walk
Monday - Rest ( I need to sell 50/50 tickets during my normal workout time and it's an obnoxiously long day)
Tuesday - Run/Walk
Wednesday - Cross train (Rower or bike or skipping)
Thursday - Yoga
Friday - Run/Walk

I've written this down in my tracker as that goes with me everywhere.

I need to add in strength training which will be the Iron Reps class at the gym as it's full body. I plan to weigh in this Friday due to having to wait for the cable installation people all day Saturday.

Ideally I'd like to have strenght training twice a week, especially in the last 14 weeks, so I'll have to add that on a cross training day. It might sound like I'm getting ahead of myself but I'm a planner by nature. I was re-reading sections of Running for Mortals and realize maybe it's not the best idea to be doing all my run/walks on a .5 incline. Better idea when I start doing hill training add it in then.

I saved a whack of points for tonight as my original plan was to go to a new restaurant that offers 100 different beers on tap. I started to feel a headache coming on so I asked for a rain cheque. I think it was probably due to low blood sugar as I ate dinner and feel a bit better but I think it will be an early night.

I hope your Saturday was fabulous!!!

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