Saturday, June 18, 2011

Day 30: Different strategy

Some of my most successful weeks on WW was when I was doing the Wendie Plan. If you're unfamiliar with this it's basically changing up your points so you're not eating the same each day. The creator named Wendie discovered she had better losses on weeks where there was some sort of event that caused higher points i.e. birthdays, Christmas.
Now last week was crazy and had I tracked Thursday I'm sure I'd be way way way over points. I squeaked by with a .2 loss this week which I'm very happy about as remember Friday morning I saw a 1.6 gain.

I decided to treat today as a treat day (within reason and tracked) or in Wendie language my super high day, now tomorrow will be dead on points no WP. It's today because it's the furthest day from next weigh in.

My treat day did get a little crazy as I used 7 more points then I should of. This is what happens when I ate my meals for the day and then re-familiarized myself with the Wendie Plan.

There's definitely a difference when I start my day with protein. Last week I went to Starbucks and got my traditional Grande Non Fat Caramel Macchiato and they're reduced fat turkey breakfast sandwich. Today I got my traditional Macchiato but I went with the Blueberry Buttermilk Muffin instead. Not only is the muffin 3 points higher but I was super duper munchy all day. Now part of that might be TOM.

The link above takes you to a Wendie Plan website that actually helps you calculate your week. It's really your daily points plus the weekly points dispersed through the week.

So because I went a over by 7 points today I recalculated the rest of my week so I still wind up with 252 points (29 per day plus the 49 WP) at the end of the week.

Today was 58 (should be 51)
Tomorrow 29
Monday 37 (should be 39)
Tuesday 35 (should be 36)
Wednesday 29
Thursday 35 (should be 37)
Friday 29

When I do the Wendie Plan I don't eat my activity points unless I earn a whack on a lower point day. As I'm flying home on Wednesday (on a way later flight than normal) there will be no workout. Thursday is a meeting of all my fellow HRAs (Human Resources Advisors) and we're going to Canada Olympic Park so that will be some sort of physical activity as we've been told to wear appropriate clothing and I think some sort of social time afterwards. So really this plan really worked out for this particular week. Normally Thursday is a pretty long day as it's my fly home day so it still works out.

The other reason I like this is I'm better at planning my WP. If I know they're there with no purpose it's always sort of an excuse in the back of my head. I also believe the WP are there to be used.

I went to the meeting today and by 9am (the meeting start time) there was still no leader. I guess there was a sub and they were lost. I decided to leave at that point and go to Walmart and pick up the rest of my groceries. I'm making Turkey Chili tomorrow and I needed diced tomatoes.

My PVR is having some sort of issue. I can see all the channels but the guide shows no details, I can't access the PVR nor Shaw on Demand. So a cable guy is coming on Friday. I'm thinking my box might be getting old. I am spoiled by technology as I'm finding it onerous to switch channels one by one.

I hope you had a fabulous Saturday.


1 comment:

  1. Hi - I'm your newest follower! I hadn't heard of the Wendie Plan before, but I have heard of doing the same thing with calorie counting so it's no surprise that it jolts your body back into weight loss. I'm about to get back on the WW train after totally not counting point for a couple of weeks and going a little nuts over potato chips and chocolate and caffeine. Bah! Anyway, love your blog! Can't wait to see what else you write :)
