Sunday, May 08, 2011

Day 9 - tracking stil going

Hello my friends,
Yesterday at weigh in I was down 2.2 (not 2.4 which I declared on twitter - got my math wrong), and there were some higher point days last week but I think the accountability of tracking stopped me from going off the rails.

After grocery shopping and going for another walk on top of my walk to wi and back I got a text from K asking if I had dinner plans. We headed out in celebration of her finishing a test. Tried two places that were full and finally landed at Moxies.

We both had plans for an early night and over dinner she was telling me how her realtor wanted to introduce her to one of his friends. Well a few minutes later her phone goes off and it's the realtor. Now we were going to joined by him and the friend.

She did say she was glad I was there as a buffer for this introduction. Well early night turned into getting home at 2:30am and all we did was sit, chat and laugh. It was quite amusing watching the friend try to score points with K. Well now she's off to Europe for 3 weeks so to be continued.

Watching all that did get me thinking again of trying online dating again. I'm not ready right now but perhaps in the summer. We'll see.

I have no idea how to track last night so I'm assuming I've used up all my weekly points.

I have my yearly physical on Thursday so the movitation is there to see a good number on his scale.

I'm still thinking about doing a little game with myself by assigning points to things to keep me even better on track.

Now I'm thinking 5pts for tracking, water, exercise and rest (i.e. decent amount of sleep). So maximum earned in a day is 20. I still haven't thought it out completely so this is all random at this moment. I'm not sure about deducting points for missing something more like just I don't earn them. Now what I'm sorting out is how many points are good for a reward. Should it be 140 (a week) or 500 (25 days if all points are earned). Right now I'm leaning towards that.

I'm back on a plane tomorrow. I hope you all had a great weekend.



  1. 2.2 is a great loss!! Congratulations!!!

    I've been separated a year now and some of my friends are pushing me to try on line dating....I'm scared to death!!!

  2. 2.2 lbs gone is grrrrrrrrrrrreat! Revel in that!
