Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Day 5/90 - Attack of the hormones

I suppose it's a good thing that I start my new challenge knowing full well I'd head straight into a challenging week.

The dreaded TOM and all it's snack fueled craziness. Well not so crazy. I still have 27 weekly points left with two days to go and I've earned 24 activity points so far this week and it's only Wednesday.

The week is not lost by any sense of the imagination.

No workout on Tuesday as I was tired, but I only have one Tuesday left that I need to go to a late meeting so soon that won't be an issue.

Tonight I hit the treadmill with gymboss again and did 12 repeats of 3min fast walk with 1 min jog/run. By the time I get to the 12th repeat I'm tired.

Had a momentary heart attachk today when I thought my fleece blanket was missing from my camp room. I reported it to housing as there was no sign of it. I got back from they gym and pulled my bedsheets down. Ta da there it was between the top comforter and the flat sheet - no wonder I didn't see it. So I called off the search and now think I have an awfully sweet room attendant.

As I'm flying home tomorrow I must be super good on the food front as I won't get home till 7:30 - 7:45pm. On Friday I'm finally getting my hair cut but I'm going to pack a gym bag and bring it with me so I can hit the gym afterwards.

The dedication is still there and I'm early on in the 90 days.

I tried to watch the seaon finale of Biggest Loser but got super sleepy half way through so I'll most likely watch it tomorrow.

I'm not impressed with the choice of Anna Kournikova as the new trainer as I don't even think she's a certified trainer. She was a so so tennis player and probably more famous for who she dated. What I don't get is why not use a former contestant who is now a trainer. There's quite a few who've gone on to do that.

I'll give Biggest Loser 12 a try but I'm really hoping they haven't messed it up.

Also waiting on my PVR is the last episode of Oprah.

The weather should be relatively crappy this weekend with no end to rain so a good time to clean off the pvr when not at the gym.

Hope you had a great few days.


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