Saturday, April 02, 2011

Next winter I'm buying snow shoes

I got a bravo sticker and today's WW meeting just because I was there. There is so much snow outside you'd think we're in the middle of winter. The picture is a shot of my back yard but if you look at the garden light that's how much snow had fallen overnight. The snow from before had not completely melted yet.

I trudged through fresh snow on the way to weigh in. Snow depth varied depending on the wind but I'd say the average was about 15cm on the way there. OMG I was exhausted by the time I got there as I was walking on snow the whole way (it looks like I was the only one up and out by 8am). It took me longer to get down there soI just popped in to Safeway and grabbed a reduced sugar chocolate milk and yogurt then I went to the meeting.

I almost thought why am I doing this as I was on my way there but then stopped that thought as I haven't weighed in in two weeks. One thing I'm definitely realized is I need the accountability of the WW scale.

I vetoed the gym though as the snow kept falling and it was hard enough getting down there I didn't want to wait and see how much snow would be on the ground 2 hours later.

We had a sub leader which always I wasn't so sure about. Weighed in and I was up 1lb. I'm cool with that. I'm still in the 160s and it could have been much much worse. I'll have that off by next Saturday.

The topic was along the lines of that you're not alone in your weight loss goals and then we discussed the differance between a buddy and a friend. A buddy being someone who has the same goal and will help you stay dedicated and you'll help them. A friend could be a buddy but not necessarily a benefit to your weight loss goals - depending on the friend of course.

You could so tell this woman was a school teacher at some point. She kept making references to having kids which doesn't appeal to me as I don't have any. I'm happy she's just a sub.

When I walked home again my original footprints were quickly disappearing under the snow. My advice to Calgarians is stay home unless you absolutely must go out. I saw quite a few vehicles have an issue.

I did think that snow shoes would have been handy and that might be something for next winter. Walking in snow is one resistance workout. I was soaked in sweat when I got home, thank goodness I was wearing my gym clothes.

I am feeling yesterdays Iron Reps today even in the areas I thought I had gone a little under weight. I think a date with my yoga mat will happen a little later.

Not sure what I'll do on Sunday perhaps dust off a workout dvd.

Hope your enjoying your Saturday,


1 comment:

  1. All I'm gonna say about the snow is...KEEP IT THERE!!!

    I have never been so fed up with Winter as I have been this year.
