Saturday, April 23, 2011

Back on track - day one

Yesterday I was an activity tasmanian devil.
I walked to the gym and did 60min on the treadmill with 15min of that being running and then I switched to incline work. I then I went to the mall to pick up a few things and then made my way to where I had to vote. That was a bit of a schmozzle. I don't think they were expecting that many people to take advantage of the advanced poles. I then walked home.

Had a nap and then looked at the gorgeous weather outside (windy but sunny and no snow) for a 45min walk. All in over 1000 calories burned. I guess that was my version of a last chance workout before weigh in.

Today I went to the meeting and weighed in at 171.4 that's a 2.8lb gain over the past two weeks. I had the weigh in woman who tends to be a little snarky. Right before I got on the scale I looked at her and said I'm expecting a gain please don't judge. Of course she said we would never do that. Yeah uhuh.

The topic was apropos as it was about tracking which I've been very negligent at lately. Tracking is huge for me. I know lots of people don't like it. I know that if I do it I'm more successful. It served as a good reminder that I have all these tools at my disposal so I might as well use them. When I don't do it I'm just lying to myself.

I've tracked brilliantly today so that's one day down. I had moments of wanting to snack and I just stopped and thought "Am I hungry?". If the answer was no I walked away.

My only activity today was walking to weigh in and back as I thought to take it a wee easy today after yesterday.

I created an Operation Butterfly spreadsheet to have an at a glance look at points, activity and for the first time ever I've added mood. I've built these spreadsheets off and on in my weight loss efforts and I do find them helpful. I've told you that lately it's emotions that have been ruling my eating so why not keep an eye on that as well. I still had copies of previous spreadsheets and the last one ended weight wise where I am right now. Yup it's time to put pedal to metal.

Tomorrow will be going outside as the gym will be of course closed on Easter Sunday.

I've been clearing off my pvr to make room for the royal wedding on Friday today. I remember getting up as a little girl in the wee hours of the morning to watch the Charles and Diana wedding. Thank goodness for modern technology. While the coverage is getting a wee annoying now I can't resist the romance of it all. If I had to bet on it my guess is the dress will be designed by Sarah Burton. I've been loving the Issa dresses Kate Middleton wears though...wonder if you can get this label in Canada? Hmm...should cut out a picture and put it on my vision board. That would be an awesome addition to my goal weight wardrobe.

I hope all of you had a fabulous Saturday.


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