Sunday, February 27, 2011

Day 9 - I am strong

Did not have a great sleep last night and I tossed and turned for a long time. On the plus side perhaps that will mean I'll have good sleep tonight as it's usually Sunday nights are tough for me because I fly so early the next day and live in perpetual fear of missing the plane. At 1am I considered getting up and taking melatonin but then couldn't be bothered to get out of bed.

I got up around 7am and did my laundry and had a bowl of oatmeal with 1 tbsp of brown sugar and hand full of blueberries. I finished off the laundry and then had an activia yogurt as my morning snack. I then headed to the gym and did a few errands. I've been meaning to return something at Walmart for weeks and typically I walk right past it when I head out but today I was going to return it plus I had to mail a letter.

I strapped on the Garmin and walked to Walmart, paused it when I was in the store, headed back out toward the mailbox and turned it back on. I then went to the gym, paused the garmin  and switched the foot pod from my outside runners to my indoor runners. I then hit the treadmill for day 3 of 2 min running and 3 min walking. Oy vey it was tough today. I did 9 sets and got off the treadmill at the 50min mark and then walked home. In total 99 min of activity today.

I kept chanting "I am Strong" or "168 (the elusive weigh in that I've hit once for 5 minutes" or simply "You can do this". I suppose I was tempting fate a bit by doing two days in a row as usually the C25K plans have a day off in between in the first week - I think.

Got home and made 2oz of Smart Spaghetti with 1/2 a cup tomato sauce. I also made an RSP contribution just under the deadline. I knew it was soon but I wasn't expecting that soon. My afternoon snack was Liberte Moka yogurt and I actually measured it out on the scale so I could track it accurately as opposed to eating it out of the container which I normally do.

Tomorrow if I get access to a treadmill at camp I'll just walk or get on the spin bike. Then on Tuesday I'll atttempt run #4 and try running for 2.5min with 2.5 walking. I'm not following any specific plan just trying to play with it. There was a girl next to me running at 6.3 for half an hour straight and at one point I looked at here and thought "I will be you". Though I will take a little look online for a c25k training schedule so I'm close.

Day 2 of being completely on plan and I for sure can obliterate that gain at Saturdays weigh in. My eye is on the prize.

I hope you all had a fabulous Sunday.



  1. Once our snow disappears (again and for good!) I'm going to give Couch to 5K another shot. You're inspiring me!

  2. P.S. You are strong!!!

    I write "I am strong" in my WW 3 month journal pages on days that I know are going to be tough. It really does help to see it every time I open it. I use lots of pretty and bright colours so it jumps off the page at me.

  3. Great workout! You're on the right track :) I love your attitude!
