Friday, January 07, 2011

Day 7 - tomorrow is weigh in

Hello my friends,
Hope you all had a great day. I had to go into work today for a meeting on my day off, which wasn't so bad as K and I wound up going to Cora's for lunch. I had a crepe panini that came with half the plate filled with fresh fruit. When I was still based in Calgary I'd walk by it everyday and it looked so fun.

Then I did a spot of shopping picked up a few mags and what I originally went in for was a new pack of Pur foundation. I left with the new People with the half their size feature, a collector issue of Oxygen titled Fat Loss - the complete guide for women and a bit of fluff with OK magazine. Hey, it's supposed to snow gobs and there's a blowing snow warning so it might be a bus to weigh in tomorrow.

When I got home today the weather was still pretty decent so I headed out for a walk as I probably won't go outside too much this weekend.

1hr17min, 8.99km, 454 calories burned, pace was 8.35-7.59/km (can't go too fast when people don't shovel their sidewalks) and heart rate was 144-159.

Then I came home and made a smoothie for supper. I had no bananas so it was peanut butter, frozen berries and almond milk.

Then I did 40min of yoga to stretch everything and how I missed it.

Here's a pic of the sky when I got home I thought it looked quite pretty.

I took pictures of all my anchors i.e. the calendars with stickers. The next two are from my office and camp room taken earlier in the week.

This is my work one, and you will see the chain of paper clips on the left. I had bought stickers at the end of November to track activiy while I was at site...well that never happened so instead I use these for the exercise, tracking, water. On Wednesday you would have seen 2/3 of a snowman as I hit two targets (no exercise due to the hockey game).

This one is in my camp room and has the 3 sticker system and yes another chain of paper clips representing how far I've come. The frog is for exercise, the heart for tracking and the little tini star for water. On each chain the first 8 paperclips are the same colour as that indicates the 8lbs I didn't regain after I rejoined WW in Jan 2010, then after that is one paper clip for every pound lost. The goal is 64 paper clips as that's from my first weigh in ever (204lbs) to goal (140lbs).

This is in my kitchen and is the up to date one as I did that before taking a photo.
So you'll see I didn't earn 3 stickers on every day. You can't really see them in this photo but a Christmas ornament (with a smiley face) is for exercise, snowflake for tracking and star for water.

However I did:
Hit my exercise goal of a minimum of 30min 5 days a week
Hit my tracking goal of tracking everything and I mean everything.

The only goal I didn't hit was I didn't get all my water in today as I ran out of time. I'm now on all food and liquid cut off till weigh in.

I'm cool with that. I don't think I've ever had 2L of water for 6 days in a row and it's been a really long time since I tracked consistently. The consistent exercise hasn't happened (with the exception of last week) for a bit.

So now we see what the scale says. Right now I'm catching up on the BL premier as I haven't seen it yet.

Be back tomorrow perhaps even from the meeting with this weeks results.


1 comment:

  1. I LOVE THIS POST! I really love your calendars. BRILLIANT! And the paperclip chain: terrific.

    Great job. Great work! Major applause and hugs to you!
